HELIANTHEMUM eriocaulon.
Woolly-stalked Sun-Rose.
Sect. I I I . T uberakia. Supra, fo l. 18.
** Annua, foliis superioribus scepe stipulatis, racemis secundis ter-
H. eriocaulon, caule herbaceo ramoso di-trichotomo hirsutissimo,
foliis oblongo-liuearibus angustis hirsutis oppositis : superioribus
stipulatis: extremis alternis, racemis simplicibus ebracteatis, pe-
dicellis filiformibus longis pilosis, sepalis externis angustis. Daria
l in DC. prodr. 1. p. 271.
Helianthemum eriocaulon. Swt. hort. brit. p. 35. n. 21.
Annual. Root fibrous. Stems erect, branching, from
6 inches to a foot in height; 2 or 3-forked, thickly
clothed with long spreading white hairs, and short down
underneath. Reaves oblongly-linear, 3-nerved from the
base, clothed on both sides with long spreading hairs,
and with fascicles of short, stellate ones underneath,
rough and punctate, with numerous small dots; lower
ones opposite, bluntish, without stipules: upper ones
alternate, acute, with long stipules. Stipules long, linear,
the margins a little reflexed, very hairy, and fringed.
Racemes terminal, many-flowered, without bractes, the
flowers all facing one way, nodding before the flowers
expand, afterwards becoming erect. Pedicles long and
slender, nodding before the expansion of the flowers,
erect when in bloom, afterwards reflexed and lengthening,
clothed with short down and long hairs intermixed.
Calyx of 5 sepals, the 2 outer ones smallest, oblong,
obtuse, the margins reflexed, and fringed with long
white hairs: 3 inner ones ovate, acute, concave, membranaceous,
clothed with long spreading white hairs,
and short down underneath, warted near the base with/
10 to 12 small black warts. Petals 5, distinctly spreadi