Common Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemum. Supra, fo l. 7.
* Petalis luteis.
H . vulgare, caule suffruticoso procumbente ramoso; ramis elonga-
tis, foliis margine vix revolutis subtiis incano-cinereis: suprä vi-
ridibus pilosis subciliatis: inferioribus suborbiculatis: mediis
ovato-ellipticis superioribus oblongis, stipulis oblongo-linearibus
ciliatis petiolo longioribus, racemis laxis, pedicellis calycibusque
pilosis. DC. prodr. 1. p . 280.
Helianthemum vulgare. Geert, fruct. 1. t. 76. Pers. syn. 2. p. 79.
Swt. hort. sub. lond. p. 124. Hort. brit. p. 35. n. 61.
Cistus Helianthemum. Linn. spec. 1. p . 744. Flor. dan. t. 101.
Sm. eng. hot. 1321.
Stems suffruticose, procumbent, very much branched:
branches spreading in all directions, ascending, elongated,
slightly hairy, the upper part clothed with a
hoary tomentum. Leaves very variable, petiolate; lower
ones nearly round or broadly ovate, and bluntly rounded
: middle ones ovately elliptic or oblong; upper ones
elongated, oblong, or lanceolate, acute, slightly revolute
at the margins, upper side green and hairy, and
punctated with numerous minute dots, which occasions
a roughness, underneath clothed with a close-
pressed dense white tomentum : the margins more or
less ciliate. Petioles slender, clothed with close-pressed
hairs. Stipules leaf-like, linearly lanceolate, acute, hairy
and fringed, sometimes about the length of the petioles
and sometimes double the length, upper ones longest
and broadest. Racemes terminal, loose, many-flowered,
nodding and involute before the expansion of the flowers,
afterwards becoming erect. Bractes lanceolate,
shorter than the stipules, hairy and fringed, from half
to one-third the length of the pedicles. Pedicles clothed
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