the length of the style, the stigma overtopping them,
from 60 to 80 in number: filaments smooth, of a bright
yellow. Pollen yellow. Germm densely tomentose.
Style smooth, a little bent at the base, thickened upwards.
Stigma capitate, papillose.
Our drawing of this plant was taken at the Apothecaries’
Company’s Garden at Chelsea, where it is growing
in the rock-work in company with many other species;
we believe it to be of hybrid origin, and most probably
between H. rhodanthum and H, lineare, which
grow in company with i t : when in full bloom it makes
a very pleasing appearance, from the diversity of colours
in its flowers, some being nearly all red, others variegated
with dark and light red and white, and some altogether
white; it also continues to bloom, if the weather
prove favourable, from May till October; this year we
observed several flowers on it, the beginning of November.
It is quite hardy, having survived several Winters
in the rock-work at Chelsea garden, without the
least protection. Cuttings of it root freely, planted under
hand-glasses in September, the glasses to have a
little air at times, to keep them from damping, and the
sooner they are potted off after being rooted the better,
as they then establish themselves before Winter.