Confused Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemum. Supra fol. 7.
** Petalis albis, roseis, rubris vel dilute sulphureis.
H. confusum, caule suffruticoso, ramis procumbentibus glabriusculis
apice subtomentosis, foliis oblongis ovatis obtusiusculis subplanis
subtbs tomentoso-incanis supra glabris viridibus, stipulis bracteis-
que linearibus viridibus ciliatis, calycibus striatis glabriusculis
subnitidis. DC. prodr. 1. p. 283. sub H. polifolio.
Stem suffrutescent, procumbent, extending to a considerable
distance, branched: branches procumbent, the
points ascending, smooth when old, but clothed with a
white tomentum while young, so that the lower part is
smooth, and the upper part tomentose. Leaves ovate
or oblong, bluntish, the lower ones shorter and rounder,
flat or nearly so, underneath clothed with a short
white tomentum, the upper side green, and somewhat
glossy, but more or less clothed with shortish hairs;
these are most conspicuous on the young leaves, as they
wear off as the leaves become older. Petioles short,
flattened a little on the upper side, pubescent on the
young leaves. Stipules linear, acute, longer than the
petioles, somewhat hairy and fringed, of a bright green
colour. Racemes terminal, elongated, several-flowered,
nodding before expansion, but becoming erect as the
flowers expand. Bractes green, fringed, similar to the
stipules, shorter than the pedicles. Pedicles tomentose,
drooping- before expansion, erect when in bloom, afterwards
reflexed. Flowers white and delicate. Calyx of
5 sepals; the two outer ones small, bluntish, dark
green, hairy and fringed ; the three inner ones ovate,