ones ovate, concave inwards, but terminating in a long
taper point. Petals 5, obovate or obcordate, narrowing
towards the base, distinct or but slightly imbricate.
Stamens about thirty, spreading:filaments bright yellow:
'pollen orange-coloured. Germen smooth, triangular, terminated
by a very short style, that is hid by the large
capitate stigma. Capsule smooth and glossy, 3-valved,
The present beautiful plant is a native of Carolina,
and requires to be grown in peat soil; it should be preserved
through the Winter in frames, or in the Greenhouse,
or it will be liable to be killed in severe frosty
weather; in Winter it dies down to the root, and comes
up again the following Spring; this is the case with all
the North American species, by which means they are
frequently lost, as the cultivators of them suppose they
are quite dead, and turn them out of the pots as such :
it is readily increased by young cuttings, planted under
hand-glasses in Spring, the young plants to be potted
off as soon as sufficiently rooted, that they may be enabled
to become strong enough to stand through the
Winter; it may also be raised from seeds, which ripen
in abundance.
Our drawing was made from fine specimens, communicated
by A. B. Lambert, Esq.