Slender-trailing Sun-Rose.
Sect. V I I I . P seudocistus. Supra fol. 2.
H . vineale, caule suffruticoso procumbente ; raniis adscendentibus
piloso-tomentosis canescentibus, foliis ovato-oblongis stiprà viri-
dibus piloso-strigosis ; subtus tomeutoso-incanis, racemis simpli-
cibus paucifloris calycibusque piloso-tomentosis canescentibus,
petalis distinctis patentibus.
Helianthemum vineale. Pers. syn. 2 . p. 77. DC. prodr. 1. p. 277.
Spreny. syst. 2. p. 590. Swt. hort. brit. p. 35.
Cistus vinealis. Willden. sp. pi. 2. p. 1195.
A trailing suffrutescent plant, very much branched:
branches ascending, long and slender, clothed with a
hoary tomentum, and some long hairs intermixed.
Leaves opposite, ovate or oblong, bluntish, the lower
ones broadest and roundest, the upper side green, but
covered with white rigid hairs, underneath clothed
with a dense white tomentum, other leaves on the same
plant are green on both sid e sa fte r flowering, a great
part of them become quite white; pennately nerved.
Petioles flat, fringed, not so long as the leaves. R a cemes
terminal, few-flowered, nodding before the expansion
of the flowers, afterwards erect. Bractes lanceolate,
acute, very hairy and fringed, the points reflexed.
Pedicles slender, very hairy and canescent,
nodding before expansion, erect when in flower, and
continuing so when in fruit. Calyx of 5 sepals, his-
pidly hairy, canescent, 2 outer sepals small, linear,
fringed, 3 inner ones broadly ovate, concave, with red
margins. Petals 5, distinct, spreading, longer than the
sepals, yellow, narrow at the base and broad at the