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HELIANTHEMUM hyssopifolium f3 cupreum.
Copper-coloured Hyssop-leaved Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemum. Supra fol. 7.
** Petalis albis, roseis, rubris vel dilute sulphureis.
H. hyssopifolium, caule suffruticoso adscendente, ramis hirsuto-to-
mentosiusculis, foliis inferioribus ovalibus; superioribus oblongo-
lanceolatis; utrinque viridibus planis hirsutis, calycibus hirsutis,
petalis imbricatis.
Helianthemum hyssopifolium. Ten. synops. f o r . neap. p. 48. DC.
prodr. 1. p . 284.
a crocatum, floribus ferrugineo-croceis.
/3 cupreum, floribus cupreis. Supra.
y multiplex, floribus cupreis plenis.
Stem suffruticose, much branched : branches ascending,
when young densely tomentosely hairy, becoming
nearly smooth by age, when they are m'ore or less tinged
with purple. Leaves flat, green on both sides, the
upper side glossy, hairy on both sides, the hairs curved
inwards, varying in size according to the strength of the
plant: lower ones roundly oval, upper ones narrowei,
oblongly lanceolate or linearly lanceolate. Petioles
short, pubescent, slightly furrowed on the upper side,
and rounded on the lower. Stipules lanceolate, acute,
hairy and bristle-pointed, about double the length of the
petioles. Racemes terminal, nodding before expansion,
becoming erect when in bloom. Rractes lanceolate,
acute, pubescent, shorter than the stipules. Pedicles
downy, nodding' before the flowers expansion, erect
when in bloom, afterwards reflexed. Calyx of 5 sepals,
very hairy, bearded at the base, the two outer ones very
small, lanceolate, acute, erect: inner ones ovate, acute,
concave, strongly nerved. Petals 5, broadly obovate or
e 2