Mill. diet. Mil l e r (Philip.) Gardener and
Florist’s Dictionary. London.
Mill. ic. Mil l e r (Philip.) Figures of plants
described in the Gardener’s Dictionary.
2 vol. fol. London. 1760.
Nuttall gen. amer. N uttall (Thomas.) -
The genera of North American plants,
and a Catalogue of the species. 2 vol.
12mo. Philadelphia. 1818.
Park, theatr. P arkinson (John.) Thea-
trum botanicum. 1 vol. fol. London. 1640.
Pers. syn. P ersoon (Christ. Henr.) Synopsis
Plantaram, seu Enchiridium Botanicum.
2 vol.!2mo. Paris. 1805—1807.
Pourr. act. tout. P o u r r e t (Andr.) Histoire
et Mémoires de l’Académie royale
des sciences, etc. de Toulouse. 3 vol. 4to.
Toulouse. 1782—1788.
Purshfl. amer. P ursh (Frederick.) Flora
America Septentrionalis. 2 vol. 8vo. London.
Scop. earn. Scopoli (Joh. Ant.) Flora
Carniolica. 1 vol. 8vo. Vienna:. 1760.
Smith eng. bot. Sm it h (James Edward.)
English Botany. ü\o.London. 1790 e t seq.
Spreng. syst. veg. Spr b n g e l (Kurt.) Sys-
tema Vegetabilium. 4 vol. 8vo. Gottingæ.
Swt. hort. brit. Sw ee t (Robert.) Hortus
Britannicus, or a Catalogne of the plants
cultivated in the gardens of Great Britain.
1 vol. 8vo. London. 1827.
Swt. hort. sub.lond. S we e t (Robert.) Hortus
Suburbanus Londinensis, or a Catalogue
of the plants cultivated in the gardens
about London. 1 vol. 8vo. London.
Ten. synops. fl. neap. T en o r e (Michel.)
Synopsis Novarum Plantarum quæ in
Prodromo Floræ N eapolitanæ, annol811 -
13 edito.
Vahl symb. V ahl (Maitinus.) Symbol*
Botanic*. 3 fasc. in fol. Haunia. 1790—
i794. ’ . „
Vent. cels. V en t en at (Etienne Pierre.)
Description des plantes nouvelles ou peu
connues du jardin de J . M. Cels. 1 vol. in
fol. Paris. 1800.
Wahlen. helv. Wa h len b erg (Georg.) De
vegetatione et clymate Helvetiæ septentrionalis
specimen. 1 vol. in 8vo. Turici.
Walt. flor. car. Wa l t er (Thomas.) Flora
Caroliniana. 1 vol. 8vo. Londini. 1788.
Willd. enum. W il ld en ow . (Car. Lud.)
Enumeratio Plantarum horti bot. Bero-
linensis. 2 vol. 8vo. Berolini. 1809.
Willd. hort. ber. W il ld en ow (Car. Lud.)
Hortus Berolinensis. fasc. in fol. Berolini.
Willd. sp. pl. Wil ld en ow (Car. Lud.)
Species Plantarum. vol. 5. 8vo. Berolini.
In the Press, and soon will be Published, in One Volume,
SWEET’S HORTUS BRITANNICUS; being a Catalogue of all the Plants cultivated
in the Gardens of Great Britain, including all the published new introductions up
to the present time; arranged according to their natural affinities, with the addition of
the Linnean Classes and Orders, Systematic and English Names, where native, when
introduced, colour of the flowers, accentuations, references to the books where described,
and also to figures, &c.; arranged according to the most modern improvements.
Calycis sepala 5 cum pedicello continua persistentia sæpiùs inæqualia,
2 exteriora ceteris sæpiùs minora interdùm evanida, 3 interiora per æstiva-
tionem contorta. Petala 5 hypogyna, caduca, æqualia, per æstivationem
contorta, sed directione sepalis contraria. Stamina numéro indefinita, sæpiùs
numerosa, hypogyna, erecta. Filamenta libera. Antheræ ovatæ, bi-
loculares, birimosæ, basi insertæ. Ovarium liberum. Stylus 1 filiformis.
Stigma simplex. Capsula constans valvis 3-5, rariùs 10, nunc medio ner-
vum longitudinalem placentarium gerentibus et tunc capsula 1-locularis,
nunc nervo medio in septum plùs minùsve completum abeunte et tunc capsula
complété aut incompletè multilocularis. Semina ideù semper verè pa-
rietalia, sed nunc placentae parieti contiguæ nunc septi angulo interno adfixa
plurima, parvula. Albumen farinosum. Embryo spiralis aut curvus intrà
albumen. ~ Suffrutices aut Herbæ. Folia simplicia, penninervia, integra
aut subdentata, primordialia semper opposita, cetera sæpiùs opposita, interdùm
alterna, basi nunc nuda, nunc stipulis binis foliaceis instructa. Racemi
sæpè floribus unilateralibus pedicellatis successive evolutis et ideb ferè scor-
pioidei. Flores rosacei, petalis fugacissimis, sæpiùs ephemeri, semper diur-
ni, flavi albi aut purpurei, ungue sæpè discolore. Rami succo glutinoso sæpè
obaucti.—Ordo affinis hinc Violarieis quibuscum olim confusus et à quibus
differt præcipuè staminibus indefinitis, illinc Bixineis à quibus non differt
nisi petalis semper præsentibus nec interdùm nullis, sepalorum æstivatione
subdiversâ, albumine farinaceo, foliis nunquàm pellucidis, etc. DC. prodr.
v. 1. p. 203.
CISTUS. Supra folio 1.
Sect. I. E rythrocistus. Sepala externa angustiora, saepe minora,
interna basi concava margine scariosa. Petala rosea, rubra aut purpurea.
Gapsula 5-loculares.
1. C. complicdtus (Lam. diet. 2. p. 14.) Leaves petiolate, roundish
ovate, bluntish, clothed with a white woolliness, crowded, underneath net-
ted-veined : petioles dilated at the base, somewhat hollow and sheathing,
the margins hairy : flower-stalks short, 1-flowered, in threes or fours, terminating
the branches. I? •—-Native of the Levant, and the mountains of
Valencia, in Spain. Flowers small, rose-coloured.
2. C. sericeus (Vahl symb. 1. p. 37.) Leaves ovate, woolly, three-
nerved ; lower ones on footstalks; upper ones sessile ; flower-stalks hairy, h .
—Native of Spain.— Flower-stalks clothed with long purplish hairs: petals
and filaments purple.
3. C.hy'bridus (Vahl symb. 1. p. 37.) Leaves on footstalks, ovate,
hoary: branches scaly: flower-stalks elongated, hairy. 1?.—Native of
Spain : petals purple.
Sect. I I . Ledonia. Sepala 5, 2 externa majora valde acuminata
vel nulla; petala alba aut albida; stamina numerosa pistillo longiora; stigma
subsessile magnum capitatum, capsulm 5-10-loculares.*—Frutices aut
suffrutices, folia scepe glutinosa.