HELIANTHEMUM halimifolium.
Sea Purslane-leaved Sun-Rose.
Sect. I . H alimium. Calyx 3-sepalus, sepalis æqualibus, rarà
5-sepalus, sepalis 2 externis minutis. Petala raro alba, sæpissimè
lutea,' cuneata, truncata, sæpè basi macula atro-sauguineâ vel intense
luteâ notata. Stylus rectus brevis vel subnullus. Stigma capitatum
subtrilobum. Semina nigrescentia, minuté muricata, pauca, suban-
gulosa.—Suffrutices vel frutices. Folia opposita trinervia exstipulata
pilosa vel tomentosa. Pedunculi 1 -3-flori axillares solitarii vel
umbellati, raro paniculati. DC. prodr. 1. p. 267.
* * Stylo subnullo, stigmate magno.
H . halimifolium, caule fruticoso erecto; ramis leproso-candidis,
; foliis utrinque leproso-candidis basi attenuatis subpetiolatis ovato-
lanceolatis acutis undulatis, pedunculis longis ramosis subpani-
culatis glabris aut subpilosis, calycibus sericeis 3-4-sepalis raro
. 5-sepalis, sepalis externis angustissimis subulatis.
Heliantliemum Halimifolium. DC. prodr. 1. p. 268.? Hort. sub.
lond. p. 123.
Cistus halimifolius. Linn. sp. p. 524. Willd. sp. pi. 2. p . 1188.
Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 3. p. 307. Mill. ic. pi. 290.
Helianthemum elongatum. Willd. enum. 2. p . 569. Link ennm. 2.
p . 75.
Stem 3 to 4 feet in height, shrubby, erect, much
branched, densely clothed, with a close pressed canes-
cent pubescence : branches opposite, crossing each
other. Leaves opposite, oblong, or ovately lanceolate,
acute, undulate, concave, the margins curved inwards,
attenuated at the base into a kind of petiole, densely
clothed on both sides with a close pressed canescent
pubescence, obsoletely 3-nerved. Peduncles long,
leafy, paniculately branching, smooth and glossy, with
a few long slender spreading hairs scattered on them ;
lower leaves opposite, upper ones alternate. Pedicles
long and slender, more or less hairy. Calyx of 3, 4,
or 5 sepals, slightly clothed with a thin silky pubes