HELIANTHEMUM pulchellum.
Neat Sun-Rose.
Sect. V I II. P seudocistUS. Supra fol. 2.
H. pulchellum, caule suffruticoso procumbente ramoso : raniis to-
mentoso-incanis, foliis rotundatis ovatisve obtusis supra viridibus
. piloso-hispidis scabris : subtus tomentoso-incanis margine parum
revolutis, racemis simplicibus, calycibus pilosis canescentibus,
petalis imbricatis.
Helianthernuni alpestre. Sprèng. syst. 2 . p. 590. nec aliorum.
A small trailing suffruticose plant ; branches short,
spreading in all directions, the points ascending, tinged
with purple, the upper part clothed with a short white
thin tomentum, which wears off as they become older.
Leaves nearly round, or the upper ones ovate, the margins
slightly revolute ; lower ones very small, green,
and dotted with little rough dots on the upper side,
and covered with stiffish white hairs, underneath
clothed with a dense white tomentum. Petioles short
and flat, fringed with long hairs. Racemes terminal,
simple, several-flowered, nodding before the flowers expansion,
afterwards erect. Brades lanceolate, acute,
broad at the base, very hairy. Pedicles slender, clothed
with a short white thin tomentum, and a few longer
hairs intermixed, nodding before the flowers expand,
and erect when in bloom, afterwards reflexed. Calyx
of 5 sepals, clothed with long bristly hairs, which give
it a white appearance ; 2 outer sepals very small, lanceolate,
bluntish ; inner ones ovate, obtuse, concave,
strongly nerved. Petals 5, broadly obcordate, imbricate,
slightly crenulate, of a bright pale yellow. Stamens
from 40 to 50, the filaments and anthers yellow. Ovatriî