HELIANTHEMUM nummularium.
Money-wort-leaved Sun-Hose.
Sect. IX . EUh elianthemum. Suprafol. 7.—* Petalis luteis.
H. nummularium, caule suffruticoso : ramis procumbentibus hirsu-
tis, foliis inferioribus orbiculatis; superioribus oblongo-linearibus
hirsutis subtus viridi-cinereis, stipulis lineari-oblongis petiolo
duplô longioribus, racemis calycibusque hirsutis, petalis subirn-
Helianthemum nummularium. DC.prodr. I. p. 280. Mill.did. j i.ll.
Swt. hort. brit. p. 35. n. 67.
Helianthemum obscurum /2 nummularium. D C .f i.f r . 6 . p. 624.
Cistus nummularius. a. Lin. spec. 743. nec Desf. et. Cav.
Stemssuffruticose, procumbent: branches long, spreading
in all directions, thickly clothed with rigid hairs.
Leaves variable, hairy on both sides, rough, flat, or the
upper ones very slightly revolute, of a dull green on the
upper side, and paler underneath : lower ones nearly
orbicular or rounded, others ovate or elliptic, obtuse ;
upper ones oblongly linear, acute, all hairy on both
sides and ciliate. Petioles very short and very hairy.
Stipules linearly oblong, hairy and fringed, double the
length of the footstalks. Racemes several-flowered,
curved inward before the flowers expand, afterwards
lengthening out, and remaining erect. Brades oblongly
linear, hairy and ciliate. Peduncles brown, thickly clothed
with hispid hairs, nodding before the flowers expansion,
nearly erect when expanded, after flowering
reflexed. Calyx of 5 sepals, which are hispidly hairy:
2 outer ones small, oblong, bluntish : inner ones concave,
membranaceous, bluntish, 4-angled, middle angles
of a brownish purple, outer ones green. Petals 5,
slightly imbricate, obcordate, slender and distinct at