Canescent Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemum. Supra f o l . l .
** Petalis albis, roseis, rubris vel dilutit sulphureis.
H. canescens, caule suffruticoso ramoso diffuso : ramis adscenden-
tibus tomentosiusculis canescentibus, foliis planis ant margine vix
revolutis subtus tomentoso-incanis supra viridi-glaucescentibus:
inferioribus ovato-oblongis obtusis : superioribus lauceolatis acu-
tis, stipulis linearibus ciliatis petiolo sublongioribus, calycibus
glabriusculis nervis pubescentibus, petalis valde imbricatis.
Helianthemum canescens. Swt. hort. brit. p. 36. n. 75.
Stem suffruticose, branching in all directions: branches
procumbent, their points ascending, thickly clothed
with a close pressed canescent tomentum. Leaves opposite,
variable, flat or sometimes very slightly revolute
at the margins, underneath clothed with a dense white
tomentum, the upper side of a dull glaucous green, occasioned
by a short close pressed pubescence, scarcely
perceptible to the naked eye: lower ones ovately oblong,
flat, obtuse or rounded at the points : upper ones lanceolate,
acute, when young the margins slightly revolute,
channelled on the upper side. Petioles pubescent,
on the lower leaves about the length of the stipules, on
the upper ones shorter. Stipules linear, acute, pubescent
and ciliate, greener than the leaves. Racemes terminal,
many-flowered. Bractes linear, fringed, about
half the length of the pedicles. Pedicles densely clothed
with a close white tomentum, nodding before the flowers
expand, scarcely erect when expanded, afterwards reflexed.
Calyx of 5 sepals, smooth, or scarcely pubescent,
2 outer ones very small, oblongly lanceolate, blunt-
ish, of a brownish purple, inner ones ovate, concave,
scarcely acute, membranaceous, strongly four-nerved,