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Taurian Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemum. Supra fol. 7.
* Petalis luteis.
H. tauricum, caule suffruticoso ramosissimo procumbente; ramis
procumbentibus piloso-hirsutis, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis margine
subrevolutis utrinque pilosis supra viridibus subtus pallidioribus,
stipulis lanceolato-linearibus ciliatis petiolo longioribus, floribus
magnis, calycibus nitidis subhirsutis, petalis imbricatis.
Helianthemum tauricum. Fischer Mss. Swt. hort. brit. edit. 2. p. 42.
n. 79.
Stem suffruticose, very much branched, trailing flat
on the ground: branches lengthening out to a considerable
distance, spreading flat on the ground, thickly
clothed with entangled hairs, which gives them a rough
appearance. Leaves opposite, oblong, or oblongly lanceolate,
blunt, hairy on both sides, the margins slightly
revolute, of a dark brownish green on the upper side,
and rather paler underneath, but not hoary. Stipules
very long, lanceolately linear, acute, hairy and fringed,
more than twice the length of the petioles. Racemes
terminal, many-flowered, nodding before the flowers
expand, afterwards becoming erect. Peduncles very
hairy, with short tomentum underneath. Bractes similar
to the stipules. Pedicles tomentosely hairy, nodding
before the flowers expansion, erect when in bloom, afterwards
reflexed. Blowers large, pale yellow. Calyx
of 5 sepals ; the two outer ones small, very hairy, spreading:
the'three inner ones ovate, strongly veined, hairy,
but glossy, the nerves of a reddish purple. Petals 5,
broad, imbricate, broadly obovate, uneven at the edges,
of a pale yellow. Stamens numerous, spreading : filaments
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