HELIANTHEMUM lanceolatum.
Spear-leaved Sun-Rose. .
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemum. Supra fol. 7.
** Petalis albis, roseis, rubris vel dilute sulphureis.
H. lanceolatum, caule suffruticoso ramosissimo procumbent®; ramis
adscendentibus glabriusculis apice tomentoso-incanis, foliis lanceo-
latis acutis margine subrevolutis supra viridis glabriusculis subtbs
tomentoso-incanis, stipulis subulato-linearibus petiolo longioribus,
sepalis glabriusculis subpilosis, petalis imbricatis.
Stem suffrutescent, procumbent, very much branching
: branches ascending or erect, clothed when young
with a close white down, this wears off by age, and
they then become smooth. Leaves opposite, petiolate,
lanceolate, acute, slightly revolute at the margins, green
and rather glossy on the upper side, but clothed with
short hairs, most abundant on the young leaves, underneath
clothed with a short white tomentum. Petioles
short, flattened a little on the upper side, hairy. Stipules
about twice the length of the petioles, linearly subulate,
hairy and fringed. Racemes terminal, many-flowered,
nodding and involute before the flowers expand, but
becoming erect as they come into bloom; the flower-
stem thickly clothed with white down. Bractes linearly
lanceolate, acute, hairy and fringed, nearly as long as
the pedicles, and sometimes exceeding some of them in
length. Pedicles densely tomentose, drooping before the
flowers expand, erect when in bloom, afterwards reflex-
ed. Calyx inflated, of 5 sepals, the two outer ones very
small, bluntish, of a dark green: inner ones short, ovate,
concave, blunt, 3 to 5-veined or striate, somewhat glossy