Il l
Glaucous-leaved Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . Euhelianthemum. Supra fol. 7.
* Petalis luteis.
H. qlaucum, caule suffruticoso ramoso, ramis adscendentibus tomen-
toso-incanis apice hispidis, foliis margine vix revolutis ciliatis
utrinque tomentosis subtus incanis supra viridi-glaucescentibus;
inferioribus orbiculatis ; ceteris ellipticis lanceolato-oblongis, sti-
pulis bracteisque pubescentibus viridibus, pedicellis calycibusque
hirsutis, pilis albidis. P C . prodr. 1 . p. 279. n. 80.
Helianthemum glaucum. Pers. syn. 2. p. 78. Spreng. syst. 2. p . 592.
n. 78. Swt. hort. brit. ed. 2 . p . 42. n. 72.
Cistus glaucus. Cavan, icon. 3. p. 31. t. 261. nec Desf.
Stem suffrutescent, erector ascending, much branched:
branches spreading, ascendant, clothed with a white
woolly down, hairy upwards. Leaves opposite, petiolate,
slightly revolute at the edges, which are fringed; densely
clothed on both sides with a short close woolly pubescence,
underneath white or hoary, the upper side of a
bluish glaucous colour: lower ones broadest, broadly
oval or nearly round and obtuse: the upper ones narrower
and more acute. Petioles hairy and canescent.
Stipules a little longer than the petioles, of a greener colour.
Racemes terminal, many-flowered, clothed with
soft wool and spreading hairs amongst the flowers, nodding
before expansion, afterwards becoming erect.
Bractes similar to the stipules. Pedicles short, woolly,
and bearing hairs intermixed with the wool, nodding
before expansion, erect when in flower, afterwards reflexed.
Flowers rather small, pale yellow. Calyx of 5
sepals, densely woolly, and numerous haiis intermixed .