crumpled, roundly obcordate, white with a small yellow
spot at the hase, and tinged round with a sulphur
colour. Stamens from 60 to 70, about the length of the
style ; filaments slender, yellow : pollen yellow. Ger-
men clothed with a close-pressed pubescence. Style
curved, smooth, thickening upwards. Stigma capitate,
Our drawing of this species was taken from a fine
strong plant growing in the rock-work of the Garden
belonging to the Apothecaries’ Company at Chelsea, in
June la st: it is very hardy, as it stood the last Winter
quite well, without the least protection; it is readily
distinguished from all those to which it is nearest related,
by its white blunt leaves, and its very much imbricated
thin flaccid petals; we do not know any one
with which it can be confounded, but is nearer related
to H. apenninum than any other. Its flowers are not
so showy as some of the other species; but they nevertheless
make a pleasing variety; and in a large piece
of rock-work, where a great many species are planted,
we think the beauty depends very much on the different
sorts of colours being properly mixed; and we often
see too many plants of a fine thing grown together,
Avhich very much diminishes both its beauty and rarity’
particularly when there are not some less beautiful to
compare with it.
The present plant will grow freely in any common
garden soil, and will thrive in any situation that is
not too moist; it may also be grown in a pot, in a light
sandy soil, and will need no protection in Winter.
Cuttings planted under hand-glasses in Autumn, strike
root readily.