HELIANTHEMUM mutabile (3 roseum.
Rose-coloured changeable Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemum. Supra fol. 7.
** Petalis albis, roseis, rubris vel dilute sulphureis.
H. mutabile, caule suffruticoso, ramis procumbentibus tomen.tosius-
culis, foliis planis ovato-oblongis acutiusculis suprà glabris subtils
levissimè tomentosis pallidè cinereis, stipulis pilosiusculis petiolo
subæqualibus vel longioribus, calycibus striatis glabriusculis. DC.
prodr. 1. p. 283.
Helianthemum mutabile. Pers. syn. 2 . p . 79. Willd. enum. 2 . p. 571.
Link. enum. 2 . p. 77. Spreny. syst. 2 . p . 574. Swt. hort. brit. p. 36.
Cistus mutabilis. Jacq. ic. 1. t. 99. Mise. 2 . p. 340.
a. album, floribus albis.
(3 roseum, floribus roseo-rubris minoribus. Supra.
Stem suffruticose, much branched : branches procumbent,
spreading round in all directions, clothed with a
thin tomentum. Leaves opposite, flat, ovately oblong,
scarcely acute, the lower ones roundest and bluntest,
the upper side green and glossy, rough, the roughness
occasioned by minute tubercles on which the hairs are
seated: underneath clothed with a thin grey tomentum.
Petioles short, hairy. Stipules narrowly lanceolate, acute,
fringed with longish hairs, lower ones about the length
of the petioles, the upper ones about double the length.
Racemes terminal, several-flowered, nodding before expansion,
afterwards becoming erect. Brades lanceolate,
fringed with long hairs. Pedicles clothed with a thin
tomentum, nodding before the flowers expansion, erect
when in bloom, afterwards reflexed. Calyx of 5 sepals,
the two outer ones very small, oblong, obtuse, spreading,
thickly clothed with long hairs : the three inner