CISTUS rotundifolius.
Round-leaved Rock-Rose.
Sect. I. E r y th ro c istu s . S u p ra f o l . 3.
* P edu n cu lis u nifloris, ax illa ribu s v e l terminalibus, so lita r iis um-
b e lla tisv e ; stylo cylin d rico , seepè staminibus longiore; stigmate capi-
ta to 5 sulcato. DC. prodr. 1 . p. 264.
C. ro tu n d ifo liu s, föliis rotundato-ovatis obtusis planis rugosis reti-
culato venosis utrinque fâsciculato-pilosis, petiolis sulcatis subva-
ginantibus, pedunculis hirsutissimis subcymosis unifloris 1-3-nisve,
sepalis cordatis acutis pilosis, petalis imbricatis.
C. villosus |S. virescens. D C . p ro d r . 1. p . 264 ?
Cistus latifolius magno flore. B a r r e l, ic . 1315.
A pretty dwarf, very bushy, upright, evergreen shrub,
scarcely exceeding a foot in height, but densely crowded
with branches, clothed with rigid persistent hairs:
branches upright, short, thickly clothed with fascicles of
short rigid unequal hairs. Leaves opposite, often as
broad as long, roundly ovate, very obtuse, flat, rugged,
reticulately veined, of a darkish green, clothed with
bunches of short hairs on both sides, rough at the margins
: upper ones narrower, not so blunt, and more tapering
to the base. Petioles winged on each side, sheathing
the stem at the base, channelled on the upper side,
densely clothed with short hairs. Flowers purple, in a
terminal few-flowered cyme. Bractes leaf-like, linear,
obtuse, sessile, one at the base of each peduncle. P e duncles
1 to 3-flowered, thickly clothed with fascicles of
short rigid hairs. Calyx of 5 sepals, broadly cordate,
acute, reticulately veined ; the outer ones largest, densely
clothed with shortish rigid hairs. Petals 5, much
imbricate, broadly obovate, a little crumpled, purple,
with a yellow spot at the base. Stamens numerous: