HELIANTHEMUM vulgare p multiplex.
Common Sun-Rose, two double varieties.
Sect. IX . E u h k l ia n t h emum . Su p ra f o l . 7.—* P e ta lis luteis.
H. vulgare, caule suffruticoso procumbente ramoso ; ramis elon-
gatis, foliis margine vix revolutis subtbs incano-cinereis: supri
viridibus pilosis subciliatis: inferioribus suborbiculatis: mediis
ovato-ellipticis superioribus oblongis, stipulis oblongo-linearibus
ciliatis petiolo longioribus, racemis laxis, pedicellis calycibusque
pilosis. D C . p ro d r . l | p . 280. S u p ra fo l. 34.
$ multiplex, floribus plenis. S u p ra .
* procumbens, caule procumbente. S u p ra f ig . 1.
** adscendens, caule suberecto-adscendente. Supra J ig . —.
Differs from the common single varieties at folio 34,
by the flowers being double; the largest figure in our
plate, which is the old double variety, differs from the
other in being more procumbent, and the flowers are
fuller ; it varies in strength and in the length of its racemes,
also in the size of its flowers, according to the
strength of the plant; when grown in small pots it
lays flat on the ground in a close tuft, its leaves are very
small, having quite a different appearance from those
plants that are grown out in the borders, where the
leaves attain four times the size, and the racemes and
flowers are much larger : the other variety, No. 2 of our
plate, which is known by the name of Mr. Lee’s new
double yellow, is distinguished by being more erect and
shrubby, and the flowers do not generally expand to the
centre, but are there terminated by a greenish close tuft,
not unlike a calyx, and the plant is altogether of stronger
growth than the other; the same difference in habit
we have observed in the common single varieties, when
growing together wild.