M r . Anderson’s Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E u he lia nthem um . Supra fol. 7.
* Petalis luteis.
H. Andersoni, caule suffruticoso procumbente ramoso; ramis ad-
scendentibus tomentoso-canescentibus, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis
acutiusculis tomentosiusculis supra cinereis subtus canescentibus
margine parum revolutis, stipulis lineari-subulatis ciliatis petiolis
paulo longioribus, calycibus tomentosis, petalis imbricatis.
Suffruticose, procumbent, very much branched, soon
forming a large spreading dense tuft: branches ascending,
rather slender, densely clothed with a close-pressed
white tomentum, as are the petioles, peduncles, pedicles,
and calyx. Leaves opposite, oblongly lanceolate,
bluntish or scarcely acute, the margins slightly rolled
back, the upper side clothed with a thinnish loose
wool, and of a greyish hoary colour, underneath clothed
with a dense white tomentum. Stipules linearly
subulate, fringed and terminated with longish hairs,
rather longer than the petioles. Racemes terminal, long,
many-flowered, nodding before the flowers expand,
afterwards becoming erect. Bractes• linear, acute, flat,
of a green colour, broader than the stipules, their margins
tomentose. Pedicles densely clothed with a close-
pressed white tomentum, nodding before the flowers
expansion, then becoming erect, afterwards becoming
reflexed, and twisted when in fruit. Calyx persistent,
clothed with a white tomeutum, also with woolly spreading
hairs; two outer sepals very small, ovately lanceolate,
bluntish : the three inner ones broadly ovate,
concave inwards, scarcely acute, strongly 3 or 4-nerved,
2 A