filaments unequal in length, slender, yellow: pollen
orange-coloured. Germen silky. Style smooth, long,
much curved. Stigma capitate, slightly 5-furrowed,
granular. Capsule about the size of a small hazel-nut,
five-celled, and many seeded.
Our drawing of this very handsome plant was made
at the Nursery of Mr. Pamplin, at Lavender-hill, in the
Wands worth-road, the only collection in which we have
observed i t ; we think there can be no doubt but it is the
same as the one figured in Barrelier’s leones above referred
to, but it can scarcely be C. sericeus to which that
figure has been generally added as a synonym ; it may
also, probably,beDecandolle’s variety |3. of G.villosus^mt
we have no hesitation in giving it as a distinct species,
as it is quite different in habit, as well as in the form of
the leaves, and its very large capsule : it makes a snug
dwarf bushy shrub, and flowers nearly all the Summer;
and appears to be quite hardy, having stood the two last
Winters without protection, thriving well in the common
soil of the Nursery. It is readily increased by cuttings,
planted under hand-glasses, in Autumn, or by layers,
and may also be raised from seeds.
A few days since, we received a fine flowering specimen
of this plant, from Mr. J. Miller’s Nursery at
Bristol, so that it is also in that extensive collection.