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HELIANTHEMUM hyssopifolium y multiplex.
Double-flowered Hyssop-leaved Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemcm. Su p ra fo t. 7.
** P e ta lis albis, roseis, rubris v e l d ilu te sulphureis.
H. hyssopifolium, caule suffruticoso adscendente, ratnis liirsuto-to-
mentosiusculis, foliis inferioribus ovalibus; superioribus oblongo-
lanceolatis; utrinque viridibus planis hirsutis, catycibus hirsntis,
petalis imbricatis. Supra f o l . 68.
y m u ltip lex , floribus cupreis plenis.
Stem suffruticose, much branched; branches ascending,
very much knotted or rugged, when young
tomentosely hairy, but this wears off by age. Leaves
flat, very hairy, shorter and smaller than in the single
varieties : lower ones ovate, bluntish; upper ones narrower,
oblongly lanceolate, acute, dark green on the
upper side and paler underneath. Petioles short, pubescent.
Stipules about half the length of the leaves,
lanceolate, acute, very hairy, fringed and bristle-pointed.
Racemes terminal, many-flowered, nodding before expansion,
afterwards becoming erect. Bractes lanceolate,
acute, very hairy, shorter than the stipules. P e dicles
downy, nodding before the flowers expansion,
erect or spreading when in bloom, afterwards reflexed.
Calyx of 5 sepals, very hairy, the two outer ones very
small, lanceolate, acute; inner ones ovate, acute, concave,
strongly nerved. Flowers more or less double or
full of petals, copper-coloured, darkest at the base, sometimes
making an attempt at another flower in its centre.
Stamens, many perfect, others are changed into petals.
Germen and Style generally monstrous.