name in English Botany, and considered as such in the gardens; we do not
believe the present species is in any collection in this country, at present.
51. H. rotundifolium (Dunal in DC. prodr. 1. p. 277.) Stem suffrutescent,
branching from the base : branches simple, generally decumbent at
the base, clothed with a hoary tomentum; leaves on short footstalks : the
upper side of a glaucescent green, underneath clothed with white wool: lower
ones nearly orbicular, others ovate : the upper ones stipulate ; stipules small,
oblong, deciduous ; racemes solitary, or 2 or 3 in a sort of crowded panicle,
terminating the branches; calyx hairy, t?.—Native of Spain, and Barbary.
— Cistus nummularius. Cavan, ic. 2. p. 34. 1.142.—Flowers yellow.
.52. H. rubéllum (Presl. Spreng, syst. 2. p. 591.) Leaves ovate, roundish,
or oblong, acute : upper side dark red, and smooth : underneath clothed
with short white wool; flowers racemed, pendulous ; calyx—Native
of Sicily.
53. H. crassïfblium (Pers. syn. 2. p. 77.) Stem suffrutescent, erect,
smoothish; leaves somewhat succulent, on short footstalks: lower ones
ovate, acute, without stipules: upper ones oblongly linear, stipulate; racemes
short, in a sort of umbel; calyx hairy at the base.b.—Native of Barbary,
and near Valencia, in Spain. —Cistus glaucus. Desf. fl. atl. 1. p. 4l8.
but not of Cavanilles.—Leaves on the upper side and at the margins, and
the middle nerve underneath hairy; footstalks hairy: hairs thinly scatterëd,
long, white.
54. H . paniculatum (Dunal in DC. prodr. 1. p. 278.) Stems suffrutescent,
procumbent: branches ascending, or erect, flowering ones long,
bearing stipules on the upper part; leaves on footstalks, ovate, bluntish, or
rarely" roundish : upper side green, underneath hoary; racemes opposite, or
in threes, panicled.b.—Native of mountains in Spain and Sicily. —Stipulek
minute, linear, acute; flowers small, yellow.
55. H. polydnthon (Pers. syn. 2. p. 78.) Stem suffrutescent, erect,
hairy ; leaves on footstalks : lower ones smallest, ovate, obtuse, underneath
clothed with a short white tomentum : the upper ones stipulate, óvately oblong,
or lanceolate, green on both sides, the margins fringed; stipules longer
than the footstalks; racemes hairy, panicled ; flower-stalks filiform, and
with the calyx, h a i r y .—Native of the North of Africa. — Cistus polyan-
thos. Desf. fl. atl. 1. p.420. 1 .108.
56. H. citièreum (Pers. syn. 2. p. 76.) Stem suffrutescent,erect, branch-5
ing : branches opposite, hoary ; lower leaves without stipules, ovate, acute)
attenuated into a sort of footstalk at the base, densely clothed with a short
tomentum, of a hoary ash-colour: upper ones stipulate; racemes panicled,
axillary, opposite, terminating the branches in threes; calyx bristly.b.-|||
Native of Spain.—Cistus cinereus. Cavan, ic. 2. p. 3 3 .1 .141.—Flowers
small; petals entire.
|S Lagascanum. DC. Stems slenderer; calyx less bristly.
57. H. squammdtum (Pers. syn. 2. p. 78.) Stem suffrutescent: branches
long, erect, somewhat ligneous, leprously silvery;. leaves on footstalks, ob-!
long, blunt, leprously silvery, bearing stipules;. stipules small, sessile, acute,
soon turning brown ; racemes axillary, solitary, or terminating the branches
in threes; flowers leaning to one side ; flower-stalks near each other, brac-
teate at the base; bractes soon turning brown ;-calyx leprous, b-—Native
of Spain, and Barbary.—Cistus squammatus. Cavan, ic. 139. Barr, rar,
ic. t. 328.—Plant leprous : branches 4-sided at the base : scales orbicular,
depressed in the centre; style longer than the stamens, twisted at the base.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemum. Suprafol.7.
58. H. lavandulcefolium (DC. fl. fr. 4. p. 820.) Stem suffrutescent,
erect, branching : branches long, round, hoary; leaves oblong-linear, revolute
at the margin, underneath clothed with a hoary tomentum : young ones
hoary on both sides; stipules and bractes linear, acute, fringed ; racemes
1 to 3, terminal; flowers close together; calyx glaucous, sepals fringed :
outer ones minute, after flowering reflexed : inner ones 2-nerved, oblique,
acute, b .^Na tiv e of the South of France, Spain, and Barbary.—Barrel,
ic, t. 288.
& syriacum. Leaves somewhat flatter, of a greyish green on the upper
side, b .—Native of Syria.—Cistus syriacus. Jacq. ic. rar. t. 96.
y Thibaudi (Pers. syn. 8. p. 79.) Stem suffrutescent, stipulate, woolly;
leaves linear, their margins revolute; flowers racemose, ciliated with glandular
hairs ; sepals oblique, somewhat 3-sided; outer ones lanceolate, reflexed,
b •—Native of Corsica.—Cistus racemhsus. Cavan, ic. 2. p. 33.
1.140. is the same plant after flowering. DC.
59. H. Broussometii (Dunal in DC. prodr. 1. p. 279.) Stem shrubby,
branching: branches opposite; leaves on short footstalks, flat, oblong-lanceolate,
blunt, woolly on both sides, underneath hoary, upper side of a
greyish green; stipules and bractes deciduous, linear, somewhat woolly;
racemes short, branching ; flowers facing to one side ; calyx oblong, acute :
inner sepals 4-nerved, somewhat woolly, yellowish, b ■—Native of Teneriffe.
—Style double the length of the stamens, nearly erect; stipules somewhat
falcate; flowers yellow.
60. H . stcBchadifolium, (Pers. syn. 2. p. 79.) Stem erect : branches
clothed with hoary tomentum ; leaves oblong-linear, bluntish, both sides
somewhat woolly: the upper side of a greenish ash-colour : underneath
hoary, with the margins revolute; stipules somewhat villous, linearly lanceolate
; racemes before flowering revolute; flowers close together; calyx
villous, outer sepals green and fringed, inner ones taper-pointed, hoary, b,
—Native of Portugal and Corsica.—Cistus staechadifolius. Brot. fl. lusit. 2.
p. 270,—This species is in the collection at the Chelsea Botanic Garden,
but has not yet flowered.
61. .I t. nudicaule (Dunal in DC. prodr. 1. p. 279.) Stem shrubby,
branching : branches smooth below : above clothed with hoary villous wool;
leaves oblong-lanceolate, margins revolute, both sides tomentose : underneath
hoary : above greenish yellow ; stipules linear, longer than the footstalks
; calyx deeply furrowed, scarcely pubescent, the nerves elevated and
hairy,b .—Native of the mountains of Valentia, in Spain.—Petals yellow.
62. H. acuminatum (Pers. syn. 2. p. 79.) branches erect, base and
point hairy, naked between ; leaves on long footstalks, oblong, the margins
revolute, green on both sides, hairy : underneath somewhat woolly; stipules
smoothish, linear, longer than the footstalks; racemes few flowered, loose,
somewhat hairy; calyx smooth and glossy, transparent, b •—Native.of fields
in Nice.—Petals yellow.
63. II. ovatiim (Dunal in DC. prodr. 1. p. 280.) Stem suffrutescent,
procumbent, very much branched : branches villous ; leaves elliptically lanceolate,
tapering into a footstalk at the base, bluntish, on both sides vil-
losely silky, fringed; stipules a little longer than the footstalks, villosely
fringed ; flower-stalks 1 to 3-flowered, terminal, calyx somewhat villous, b.
—.Native of the mountains of Geneva,—Cistus ovatus. Viv. fragm. 1. p. 6.
t, 8. f. 2. Hairs white, silky; flowers yellow.
64. H. lucidum (Horn. cat. h. hafn. 498.) Suffrutescent, procumbent,