transparent between the nerves, showing the yellow
petals through before they expand. Petals 5, roundly
obovate, very much imbricate, varying on the same
plant from a bright yellow to a pale straw-colour,
generally marked with a saffron-coloured spot near
the base. Stamens numerous : Jilaments yellow : pollen
orange-coloured. Germen tomentose. Style smooth,
very slender, and twisted near the base, thickening gradually
upwards. Stigma capitate, papillose. Capsule
tomentose, large and inflated, triangular, three-celled,
9 to 1-2-seeded. Seeds brown, angular, rough.
This pretty and curious plant is of hybrid origin,
having been produced from the seed of H. cvoceum, that
was fertilized by the pollen of H. pulverulentum, in the
rock-work, at the Apothecaries’ Company’s Garden at
Chelsea, where it sowed itself last year, and this year
produced flowering plants, that grew very fast, and
were covered with flowers from IVlay last, to the end of
November ; the flowers were very variable* some being
of a bright yellow, and others on the same plant, and
sometimes on the same branch, of a pale straw-colour,
so that they made a curious variegated appearance, the
yellow flowers coming nearest to the- female parent,
and the straw-coloured ones- approaching nearer to the
male, which was a white-flowered specie»; the form of
the leaves and habit of the plant is also intermediate
between the two. It is a very desirable plant for ornamenting
rock-work, as it continues in flower for such
a length of time, and is also a fast grower; it also
succeeds well in small pots, planted m a light sandy
so il; and young cuttings, planted under hand-glasses
in Autumn, strike root readily.
We have named it in compliment to our respected
friend, Mr. William Anderson, to whom we are obliged
for the opportunity of making drawings of many rare
species, which we have not seen in any other collection.