membranaceous between the nerves. Petals 5, distinctly
spreading, obovate, narrow towards the base, the points
notched or crenulate, dark flesh-coloured, with a large
copper coloured mark near the base. Stamens numerous,
about 70 : filaments straw-coloured : anthers and pollen
golden yellow. Germen tomentose. Style smooth, twisted,
and slender near the base, thickening upwards.
Stigma capitate, papillose.
The present is a very handsome and showy plant
when covered with its brilliant flowers ; it belongs to
the same tribe as H .polifolium, to which it is nearly related,
but is readily known at all times by the green
upper side of the leaves ; those are very variable in form
and size, some being nearly round or oval, and obtuse,
varying to lanceolate or linear, and more or less acute;
the petals are nearly of the same form as H. polifolium,
and are also notched at the points, but they are of a
very different colour : it makes a desirable plant for the
ornamenting of rock-work, or to be grown in small
pots, succeeding best- in a light sandy soil, and is covered
with bloom the greater part of the Summer and
till late in Autumn; young cuttings, planted under
hand-glasses, the latter end of Summer or Autumn,
strike root freely.
Our drawing was taken from a plant at the Nursery
of Mr. Lee, at Hammersmith, from whose collection we
have also obtained a drawing of a double variety of it.