green, very hairy, and generally reflexed at the points;
the three inner ones broadly ovate, bluntish, concave
inwards, membranaceous, strongly 3 or 4-nerved, between
the nerves smooth and glossy, the nerves hairy.
Petals 5, obovate, narrow at the base and rounded at
the point, distinctly spreading, not at all imbricate, ot
a bright straw-colour. Stamens numerous, scarcely so
long as the style: filaments smooth, yellow: pollen
orange-coloured. Germen triangular, downy. Style
smooth, twisted at the base, where it is very slender,
becoming gradually thickened upwards. Stigma capitate,
slightly 3-lobed, papillose.
Our drawing of this pretty plant was made at the
Nursery of Mr. Mackay, at Clapton, last Summer,where
we saw several fine plants of it in full bloom; we are
not certain whether it is an original species, or a hybrid
production, but most probably the latter; as from its
colour, we should suspect it to be intermediate between
one of the white, and one of the yellow flowered species
: it is a very free grower, and an abundant bloomer,
and succeeds well in rock-work, or in a dry border; or
it may be grown in small pots, in a mixture of sandy
loam and peat, when of course it will be more dwarf,
and its flowers will not be quite so large, but still will
make a handsome appearance, intermixed with other
species and varieties; in our opinion nothing can appear
more brilliant and interesting than a good collec-
lection of the dwarf species when in bloom, if grown in
pots and placed together in a group, that their differences
maybe more readily observed ; the present plant
is readily increased by young cuttings, planted under
hand-glasses, any time from the beginning of August to
the end of September.