merous, surrounding the germen : filaments orange-coloured
; pollen golden yellow. Germen conical, downy,
terminated by a broad, nearly sessile, capitate Stigma.
The present handsome species is a rare plant in our
collections; the only one that we have seen of it was
sent us by the kindness of Mr. J. Miller, from his Nursery
at Bristol, a collection that is very rich in this handsome
family of plants; another fine strong growing species
belonging to this section, H. atriplicifolium, with
large glaucous leaves resembling Atriplex Halimus, has
we believe quite disappeared from our collections, though
we recollect when it was very abundant; this is also the
case with Cistus Ledon, which we do not remember having
seen for the last ten years, many of those plants being
lost, through their possessors not knowing what they
were, and the protection that they require, and also by
confusing them with others. The present species is
nearly hardy, requiring only a slight covering in severe
frosty weather, and some young plants of it may
be grown in pots, to be protected in frames or the
Greenhouse in Winter; a light sandy soil suits it best,
or, if grown in pots, a mixture of turfy loam and peat
is most proper for i t ; young cuttings, planted under
hand-glasses, in a shady situation, any time through
the Spring or Summer, will root readily; and the
sooner they are potted off after they are rooted, the
better, or the glasses left off them, as they are very
liable to damp off.