Cluster-leaved Sun-Rose.
Sect. VII. Fumana. Supra, fo l. 10.
** Foliis allernis stipulatis.
H. Icevipes, caule fruticoso ramosissimo adscendente; ramis graci-
libus patentibus, foliis stipulatis setaceis glaucis subglabris, gem-
mis foliaceis axillaribus, stipulis filiformibus longis, pedunculis
longis racemosis secundis, pedicellis glabris basi bracteatis, caly-
cibus hirsutis, petalis obovatis distinctis.
Helianthemum lasvipes. DC. prodr. 1. p. 275. Willd. enum. 570.
Pers. syn. 2. p. 76. Swt. hort. brit. p. 35. n. 37. Sprang, syst. veg. 2.
p. 591.
Cistus laevipes. Linn, sp.pl. 739. Willden. sp.p l. 2. p. 1190. Jacq.
hort. vind. 2. p. 74. t. 158. Botan. inagaz. 1782.—Ger. gallo-
prov. p. 394. n. 6 . 1.14.
Stem shrubby, very much branched, ascending:
branches very slender, rigid and easily broken. Leaves
alternate, stipulate, bristle-shaped, nearly cylindrical,
obtuse, with a short sharp point, succulent, of a very
blue glaucous colour. Stipules subulate, acute, not half
the length of the leaves : in the axil of each large leaf is a
tuft of smaller ones, which belongs to a young shoot, but
many of which never come to perfection. Peduncles terminal,
racemose, often panicled, villosely hairy, at first
nodding, but as the flowers expand, considerably
lengthened and becoming straight. Bractes at the base
of the pedicles, and alternating with them, obtuse,
broadish at the base, the lowermost largest and gradually
decreasing upwards. Pedicles quite smooth, purplish,
all leaning to one side, nodding before the flowers expand,
erect when in bloom, afterwards reflexed. Calyx
of 5 sepals, a little twisted before opening; 2 outer ones
roundly oblong, blunt, hairy, and fringed: inner ones
ovate, scarcely acute, concave, strongly 4-nerved, with
scariose membranaceous margins, very hairy. Corolla