Apennine Sun-Rose.
Sect. IX . E uhelianthemum. Suprafol. 7.
** Petalis albis, roseis, rubris vel dilute sulphureis.
H. apenninum, caule suffruticoso ramoso, ramis patulis cano-tomen-
tosiusculis, foliis petiolatis oblongo-linearibus margine vix revo-
lutis subtus tomentosis: suprit glaucescentibus demum glabris,
stipulis subulatis petiolo longioribus, calycibus brevissimfe villosis
striatis glauco-cinereis obtusiusculis. DC. prodr. 1. p. 282.
Helianthemum apenninum. DC.Jl.fr. 4. p. 824. Swt. hort.brit.p. 35.
Stem suffrutieose, very much branched, the branches
spreading or ascending, clothed with a short white to-
mentum. Leaves petioled, oblongly linear, scarcely
acute, slightly glaucous on the upper side, becoming
smooth and glossy by age, clothed underneath with a
short dense white tomentum, the margins very slightly
revolute. Petioles short, tomentose. Stipules subulate,
longer than the petioles. Racemes terminal, several-
flowered, nodding before expansion, erect when in
bloom. Flowers of a paper white. Pedicles slender,
clothed with a white tomentum. Calyx of 5 sepals,
which are clothed with very short woolly hairs; the two
outer sepals very small, linear, obtuse, 3 inner ones
ovate, obtuse, concave, striate, more or less tinged with
purple. Petals 5, distinctly spreading, of a very thin
texture, paper-white, with a small yellow spot at the
base, more or less crumpled. Stamens from 40 to 50,
spreading, .shorter than the style: filaments smooth,
yellow. Germen densely tomentose. Style bent near the
base, thickening upwards. Stigma large, capitate, papillose.
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