HELIANTHEMUM carolinianum.
Carolina Sun-Rose.
Sect. II . Lecheoides. Supra fol. 11.
** Pedunculis ramealibus unifloris ebracteatis.
H. carolinianum, caulibus herbaceis hirsutis erectis, foliis tomentoso-
hirsutis subdenticulatis breviter petiolatis obtusis: înfenoribus op-
positis obovalibus : ceteris altérais oblongo-ovatis, pedunculis soh-
tariis unifloris hirsuto-candidis, calycibus hirsutis, sepalis internis
oblongis acutis., DC. prodr. 1. p. 269. „
Helianthemum carolinianum. Mich. flor. lor. amer. 1 ■ p- 307. Pers.
synops. 2. p. 77. Purshflor. amer. sept. 2. p. 364. Swt. hort. bnt.
p. 35. n. 17. Spreng, syst. 2. p. 588.
Gistus carolinianus. Walt.flor. carol. 152. Venten, cels. t. 74.
Root perennial, somewhat creeping. Stems several
from the same root, erect, branching, very hairy, from
6 inches to a foot in height, the greater part dying back
in Winter, and fresh ones coming up m Spring: branches
slender, very hairy, when young clothed with, a
hoary tomentum, more or less tinged with purple. Leaves
alternate or the lower ones opposite, shortly petiolate,
hairy and clothed with a whitish tomentum, and numerous
fascicles of hairs, rough, the margins somewhat
denticulate, variable in form, but all obtuse: lower ones
generally opposite, and ovate or obovate; the others alternate
and oblong or ovate, not so much rounded at
the points. Peduncles thickly clothed with little stellate
bunches of white hairs, as is also the calyx. Flowers
large solitary, terminating the small branches, pale
yellow. Calyx of 5 long taper-pointed sepals, green, or
tinged with a purplish brown, very hairy : outer ones
narrow, linear, but broadest towards the base, inner