inwards, with one margin membranaceous, the other
fringed, thickly clothed with longish spreading white
hairs. Petals 5, more or less imbricate, cuneate, more
or less crumpled, white with a light yellow spot at the
base. Stamens about 180, the filaments unequal in
length, smooth, light yellow: pollen golden yellow.
Germen villous. Style short, pubescent. Stigma capitate,
5-lobed, papillose. , • ,
A hardy strong growing handsome Shrub, which
makes a fine appearance with its laije green ^Laurel-
like leaves, and produces an abundance of fioweis,
those even in the bud state are very ornamental, when
covered with their large light red bractes having t
appearance of Rose buds. It thrives well in the common
garden soil, and needs no protection, being quite
hardv, and may be raised in abundance by seeds, which
ripen plentifully; it may also be raised from -layers ;
or young cuttings, planted under hand-glasses m Autumn,
will strike root.
Our drawing was made last Summer at the Nursery
of Mr. Mackay, then of the King’s Road, but now
removed with his whole collection to the more healthy
and pleasant situation at Clapton, where he cultivates,
with great success, the choicest selection of JNew Holland
plants ever introduced to this country.