i 48. rt. AFULCii'Nsis Lindi. The Apulco Pine.
MeiUilkalion. L ”« ''; fe 3. p. 709.
X™Sg.>. IW f e » '«»»• to'"“ "
Spec. Char., 4c. Leaves in fives,
slender, short. Brunches glaucous.
Cones pendulous, verticillate, ovate,
acute. Scales rhomboidal, [))ra-
inidal, straiglit,somotinies prolonged
and contracted in tlie middle. Seeds
oval, four times siiorter tiian the
linc<ir wing. (Lindl.) A tree.
Mexico, near Apulco, in ravines.
Height 50 ft. Introduced in 1839,
by cones sent home by Hartweg,
from which many plants have been
nlUÜ. i*. >vi>illcöiisi,s.
The short leaves and very glaucous
shoots, the ovate cones, covered closely
with py ainiilal elevations, which arc
sometimes prolonged and contracted in
the middle, especially those near the
[loints of the cones, readily distinguish
this from all other species. Thc leaves
are 6 in. long. The cones are alioiit
4 in. long, lieing rather larger tluin a
hen’s egg ; the backs of the scales are
sometimes prolonged into a hook, particularly
those nearest the liascand the
1). Natives of thc JVest Indies.
i 49. P. O C C ID E N T A 'L IS Swai'tz. Tlic
West-/tti//rta Pine.
Identification. Swartz Prod., 103. ; II. B. et
Kimth N Gen., ‘2. p. A. : ¡.¡nnica, vol. v. p. 76. ;
Lamb. Pin., eel. 2., 1 t ‘23.
Sunonyrnes. P. fbliis quliiis, &c., Plum. Cal. 17.;
/.lirix ainericiina T ow n . Inst. 5HG. ; Ocote,
Engravings. T.anib. P in .,e d . 2., 1. t, 23.; N. Da
Ham., 5. t. 72, f, 2 .; and ourfig. 15)01.
Spec. Char., Lcaves in fives, pale
green, slender ; sheaths persistent.
Cones conical, half the length of the
leaves; scales thickened at tlie apex,
with very small mucros. (Lois.) St.
Domingo, in tiic quarter of Saint
Suzanne, on mountains where snow
occasionally falls; and where it grows
to thc height of from 25 ft. to 30 ft.,
with leaves C in. long, of a fine green,
and cones somewhat larger than
those of P. sylvestris.
A very doubtful species, but we have
retained it, as we have done some
others of tlie same kind. tuoi. ocailcm.ui,.