Engravings. TllH Cat. Ilort. Pisani, t. 40. f. 2 .; and our/e-. 1344.
Spec. Char.y 4’C. Stems pubescent, simple. Leaves lincar-Ianceolate, almost
mucronate, alternate, nearly deciduous. Flowers axillary ; 5, or tewer, in
an axil; sessile, narrow, shorter than the leaf; the tube thread-shaped and
downy. It seems different from D. Zhymelee'a, and was found in Austria
by Jacquin. (Willd.) Introducedin 1810.
9. D. (? T.) ToMENTo'sA Lain. The tomentose Daphne.
Identification. Lam. Diet. ; N. Du Ham., 1. p. 2G.
St/nont/mcs. Passerina villósa L tn. ; Laurèole cotonneuse Lam. Enct/c. 10.
Engraving. Ourjig. 1345. from a specimen in the Lambertian herbarium.
Spec. Char., 4‘C- Flowers sessile, axillary. Lcaves oblong-
obtuse, covered with tomentum on both sides. (Lain.) A low
shrub, very nearly allied to D. Tarton-raira, but larger in all
its parts, and with more obtuse leaves, which are covered
with tomentum, instead of a silky down. Asia Minor and
the Levant. Height 2 ft. to 3ft. Introd. 1800. Flowers white;
May. Berries ?.
C. Erect. Leaves persistent. Flowers terminal.
10. L). e o l l i ' n a Smith. The lYiW-inhabiting Daphne, or Neapolitan
Identficaiion. Smith in Fl. Græca, t. 359. ; Willd. Sp. Pl., 2. p. 423.
Synonymes. D. collina « Bot. Reg. t. 822., ? D. iuxifòlia Vahl Symb. 1. p. 29. ili:n»e s, LTa urèole àA Feuilles de Santé, FT?r.. . .-, Stumpfblattriger Seidelbast, æG._er.
Engravings. Fl. Græca, t. 359. ; Bot. Cab., 1 .1348. ; and o u r /g . 1347.
; Daplmé des Col-
Spec. Char., S/c. Leaves obovate, glabrous and glossy
above, and hirsutely villous beneath. Flowers in
terminal groups. Calyx externally silkily villous ;
its lobes ovate, obtuse. (Wdcstrom.) An upright,
low, evergreen shrub. On low hills, and on the
banks of rivers, in the South of Italy. Height 2 ft.
to 3 ft. Introduced in 1752. Flowers pinkish ;
January to June. Berries?.
iL D. c. 2 neapolitàna Lindl. D. neapolitàna
Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 710., and our Jig. 1346.—
Differs from the species chiefly in the want
of pubescence on the under surface of the
leaves. A very pretty plant.
originated in a sport from the
species, and in cultivation since
1822. Much admired for the
fragrance of its purple and white
134fi. » . c. neapouthna. f loW C l’S d u r i n g w i n t c r .
Grafted plants, grown in a border sheltered from
the north by a wall, thrive well ; and form thick bushes,
with nearly level heads, covered with flowers. 13J7. D. colbna.
11. B . (c.) o l e o i ' d e s L . The Olive-like Daphne.
Identification. Lin. Mant., 66.; Willd. Sp. PL, 2. p. 423.
Synonymes. Chamædaphnôïdes crética Alpin. Exot. 44. t. 43. ; TTiymelæ'a crética oleæ folio
utriusque glabro Tourn. Cor. 41. ; Daplme salicifòlia Lam. Encycl.3. p. 423.; Laurèole â Feuilles
d’Olivier, Fr. ; Oelbaumblâttriger Seidelbast, Ger.
Alpin. Exot., t.43. ; Bot. Mag., t. 1917. ; Bot. Cab., t. 299. ; and o u r /g . 1348.
Spec. Char., 4’C. Leaves obovate-lanceolate, terminated with a minute mucro,
^ glabrous upon both sides. Flowers terminal, sessile, a few together, and
surrounded by leaves that in some measure involúcrate them. (Bot. Mag.)
A low evergreen shrub Crete. Height 2 ft. Introd. 1818.
Flowers white during the greater part of the year.
It is less showy in its flowers than D. colllna • but is
deserving of cultivation from its nearly glossy and pointed
leaves, and neat habit of growth. pointed
«- 12. n . (c.) s e r i ' c e a Vahl. The silk y -W d Daphne.
IdentiJicaUon. Vahl Symb., I. p. 28.; Willd Si) PI 9 „ Am
Spec. Char., f r . Leaves lanceolate, bluntish i
glabrous above, vfllous beneath. Flowers' '
t/minal, aggregate, villous, sessile. Lobes of (
the calyx obtuse. It differs from D fc I
oleoides in its leaves being villous benea'th, in
the number of its flowers, and in the lobes of
the calyx being oblong. {WilU.) A low ever I" '
/ e e n shrub. Candia and Naples. Hetoht 1 ft tn oft T„t
duced m 1820 ; but we have not seen the pla?.
13. D. S T R IA T A Trat. The stñateá-calyxed Daphne.
Jdentification. T r a t t., Spreng. Syst. 2. p. 237.
Engramng. Om fig. 1350. ftom a specimen in Dr. Lindley’s herbarium.
Spec. Char., f r . Leaves snbspathulate-linear, sessile tinned
with a small mucro, glabrous. Flowers terminal, a lre ra te
sessile, glabrous, striated. Lobes ofthe calyx acute ( E r T A
A 1/y evergreen shrub. Switzerland and Hunnaiy t S
plant IS raid to have been introduced in 1819, and to have
purplish flowers ; but we have never seen it. t
r>. Erect. Lcavcs pcrmtc,It. Flowers in Racemes.
«- 14. D. Gni'dium L . The Gnidium, or Flax.
leaved. Daphne.
Sgnmt/mes. Thymete'a foliis Uni Bauh. Pin. 463 ■ Sn.ir™
SoTe’ à S o n ? ’¡ " t o " ' W“ile i.D » p h n é Gnldlu’m k S !
Cara8l?a. S ' ■‘“ »“ “ “«■■ilier Seidelbast, Ger. ;
Bngmvingi. B it. Cab., t. 150, ; and o u r * . 1351.
SiJcc. Char., f r . Evergreen. Leaves linear-
Janceolate, with a cuspidate tip. Flowers in
terminal panicled racemes. (Willd.) A low
ever/een shrub. Spain, Italy, and Narbonne
Height 2 ft. Introduced in 1797. Flowers
fra/ant, pink ; June to August. Berries small
globular, red ; ripe in September.
1351. D. Gnidium.
E. Prostrale. Leaves persistent. Flowers terminal, aggregate.
fe 15. D. C n e o ' r u ì i L . The Garland-flower, or trailing. Daphne.
Identfication. Lin. Sd. 511 Syst., 371.1 WUld. Sp. Pl„ 2. p. 422. ; Bot. Mag., t. 313. ; Lodd. Cat,
ed. 1836. F . .. _ ^AAWMAA.WL
" " - T d S t , fr-®" fr-®'- 1 Thymelco des Alpes, ; wohlriechendor
J a c ,. Aust., 5. t. 426. i Bot. Mag., t. 313.; Bot. Cab., t. 1800.; and o u r * . 1352,
Spec. Char., f r . Evergreen. Stems trailing. Leaves lanceolate ilnhro,,.
s " e S ”? d u n o n ?h '® '''‘” “ ' ? ‘’“ ’'; are terminal,’^gregate!
lleeaavreess . ((W WidllFd.r) i A trailing evergreen sh8r™ub".? ® Sowf itthzeemrla narde, sHururnogSatraye dt hb!i