1S86. P . macrophyU.. '8 * 7 ' F -r .o S i< ,-S ,r c l,u ..
i 44. P. Pseu'do-Steo'bus liu d l. The False-Strobus, or Fake WeymoM,
Idcntificalim. Lindl. in Bot. Reg.. M. Cliron., 1839. No. 99. „ „ , „
Engravmgs. Our figs. 1887. 1888. from specimens sent home by Hartweg.
S v e c Char 4c. L e a v e s in fives, very slender, glaucescent. Cones oval, verticillate
horizontal. Scales rhomboidal at apex, pyramidal, erect, sti aightBli,
with a transverse elevated line. Seeds oval, four or five times shorter than
the blackish wing. (Lindl.) A tree. Mexico, at Angatiguco, 8000 ft.
above the sea. Height ?. Introduced in 1839, by cones sent home by Hartweg,
from which many plants have been raised.
The leaves are five, and glaucous like those of the Weymouth pine; but
the cones differ in being thickened at the apex, in the manner of other Mexican
pines ■ The cones are between 4 and 3 inches long, by IJin . in diameter at
the middle, pointed and curved.
1 43. P. riLiro'LiA Lindl. The thread-leaved Pine.
Lindl in Bot. R e g , 1840, M. R., No. 132. ; Gard. Mag., 1840 p. 639.
E ^ & n g s . ’ Our Jigs. 1889, 1890. in p . lOiO, 1011. from specimens sent home by Hartweg.
Spec. Char., 4c. Branches rigid, thick. Scales of the bud linear, very
acuminate, and with very long cilim. Leaves in fives very long (ty il.)
acutely triangular ; sheaths long, smooth, persistent Cones elongate, obtuse,
7 or 8 inches in length ; scales with lozenge-shaped depressed, pyramidal
apices, and terminating in a callous obtuse mucro. (Lmdl.) A noD.e
tree, with branches as stout as those of P. australis or stouter. Guatema s,
on the Volcan del Fuego. Introduced in 1840 by the Horticultural bociety.
The leaves of this species are from 12 in. to 13 or 14 inches in length,
which is longer than those of any other pine previously discovered. Abundance
of plants of it have been raised m the Horticultural Society ®
a n d other places; but it is to be feared that they will not prove haidy m
the climate of London.
LX X V II. c o n i ' f e r a ; : P i ' n u s . 1 0 0 9
IS8S. Pseiido-i'trolnis.
3 T