^Y L U M L., and H. B. el Kth. T h e X a n th o x v lum , or
T o o t h a c h e T r e e . Lin. Syst. Dioe'cia Tri-Pentâiidria.
Identification. L in . Gen., No. L50. and 1109, ; Dec. P ro d ., 1. p. 72.6 • D o n ’s Mill 1 n sni
" ' c S e î ; F r 7 " OE X i i i 7 G 7 T s r t o S l i " ‘ K am im â n n ia Rafin. ;
Gen Char. Calyx short, 3—4-parted. Petals equal in number to th e lobe.s
ot the calyx, but onger, very rarely wanting.— Stamens equal
in number with the petals.— Female flowers. Stamens sometimes wanting,
o r very short. Ovanes b— \, sometimes equal in number to the petals.
Capsules 1—5, 1 -2 - ,seeded. Seeds globose, dark, shining. (Don's Mill )
Beav^ compound, alternate, stipulate, deciduous; pinnately 3— 13-folioi
. ■ 1 axillary, small, greenish or whitish. Inflorescence v a rio u s__
Deciduous low trees or shrubs, natives o f North America, with prickles on
the branches, petioles, and midrib o f the leaflets. The specie.s in British
p i dens are o f easy culture m any common soil, and are easily propagated
by seeds, layers, or cuttings o f th e roots.
¥ * 1. X. FRAxi N E Ü M Willd. The Asb-leaved Xanthóxylum, or common
Toothache Tree.
191. X an tliúxylurr. ^ -a x in e um
Identification. Willd. Sp., 4. p. 767. i Dec. P ro d ., 1. p. 726. ; Don’s Mill., 1. p. 802.
Synonymes. Zanthóxylum raraiflòrum Mich. Fl. B . A . 2. p . 235. ; Z. Cläva H é rcu lií var. L in . Sp.
1455., L am . Dict. 2. p .3 8 . j Z. ame ricänum Mill. Dict. No. 2., and Tor. ^ G r a y ß . p . 214.;
Z. xait.e.Willd. E n um . ; Z. cariboe'um Gæ rt. F ru c t., b u t n o t of Lam. ; Z. tric á rp um Hook, n o t of
Michx. ; Clavalier à F euilles do F rê n e , F r. ; E sch e n -b lattrig es Zahnwehholz, Ger. ; Prickly
Ash, Am e r . ; Frassino spinoso, Ita l. _ . . .
Engravings. D u Ham. Arb., 1. t. 97. ; th e p la te o f th is species in Arb. B n t., 1st ed it., vol. v. ; and
o u r^ g . 191.
Spec. Char., 4c. Leaves pinnate, o f 4 to 5 pairs of leaflets, and an odd one ; the
leaflets ovate, obscurely sawed, equal a t the base ; th e petiole round, and devoid
o f prickles ; prickles in th e situation of stipules. Flowers in axillary
umbels, without petals. (Dec. Prod., i. p. 726, 727.) A low deciduous
tre e or shrub. Canada to Virginia. Height 10 ft. to 15 ft. Introd. 1740.
Flowers yellowish, with red anthers ; April and May. Seeds large, black ; ripe
in September. Decaying leaves yellowish green. Naked young wood ash-
coloured and greenish.
¥ a X. f. 2 virgínicum, the X. virgínicum of Lodd. Cat., of which there is
a plantin th e garden of the London Horticultural Society, and several
in th e arboretum o f Messrs. Loddiges, appears to_ us only a variety
o f X ./ra x in e um ; probably the same as X. ( / . ) tricárpum.
Ï a 2. X. ( f . ) t r i c a ' r p u m Michx. The three-fruited Xanthóxylum, or Toothache
). 726. ; D o n ’s Mill., 1. p. 6
^agàra /ra x in ifb lia L am .
Identification. Michx. F l. B or. Amer., 2. p. 335. ; De c. P ro d ., 1.
Synonymes. Z. c a roliniànum L am ., Tor. §' G ra y . I . p. 214, ; .
t. 334.
Engravings. Lam. 111., 1. 1. 334. ; and o m fig . 192.
Spec. Char., 4’». Leaves pinnate ; th e leaflets 3
to 5 pairs, and an odd one, all on short stalks,
oblong oval, acuminate, finely sawed, oblique at
th e base. Petioles and branches prickly. P a nicles
terminal. P e ta ls 5. (Dec. Prod.) A low
tree or shrub. No rth Carolina to Florida.
Height 1.0 ft. to 15 ft. In trod. 1806. Flowers
greenish ; June. Seeds large, black ; ripe Oct.
Leaves and bark very aromatic and pungent.
Prickles very sharp. The bark o f this and the
preceding species is imported from New York,
and sold in Covent Garden Market as a cure for
the rheumatism. Probably a variety o f th e preceding
Other Species of Xanthóxylum.— X. mite Willd., tre a ted as a species by
some authors, is made a synonyme o f X .yfaxineum by Torrey and Gray, and
it probably bears the same relation to th a t species th a t Gleditschia inérmis
does to G. triacànthos. O ur opinion is, th a t th e re is only one species o f the
genus in British gardens.
G e n u s I I .
182. X an th ó x y lum tr ic á rp um .
P T E 'L E A L . T h e P t e l e a , o r S h r u b b y T r e f o i l . Lin. S y s t . Monoe'cia
Identification. Lin . Gen., No. 152. ; Dec. P ro d ., 2. p. 82. ; D o n ’s Mill., 1. p. 806.
Synonymes. Bellùcia Adans. ; Orme de Samarie, F r. ; Lederblume, Ger.
Derivation. T tom ptelea, th e Greek name o f th e elm, adopted by L innæus.
Gen. Char. Calyx short, 4— 5 parted. Petals 4—5, longer than th e caiyx.
—Male flowers. Stamens 4—5, longer than th e petals.—Female flowers.