The Sexes. Tho male is figured in Sal. Woh., and noticed in our specific character.
Engravings. Nov. Act. Soc. Nat. Scrut. Berol., 4. t. 6. f. 7 .; Michx. North Amer. Sylva, 3. t. 125.
f. 3 .; our fig. 1440.} and jig. 32. iu p. 798.
Spec. Char., Leaves ovate, acuminate, serrated, glabrous ; shining above,
pale beneath ; the .serratures resinous. Footstalks glandular. Stipules
large, half-heart-shaped, serrated, and furnished with glands. Catkins of
tlie male in. long, or more. Stamens 3—5, bearded at thebase. (Sal.
JVoh.) A handsome low-growing tree, witli the branches of the preceding
year of a greyish green colour and smooth, and the young twigs of a
yellowish green, somewhat striated or angular at the points. Switzerland,
and, perhaps, North Ainerica. Introduced in 1812. Height 20 ft. to 30 ft!
Flowers yellow ; April and May.
Group V. Frágiles Borrer.
Trees, with their Twigs mostly brittle at the Joints. Prin. sp. 19. 22. and 24.
Stamens 2 to a flower. Ovary glabrous, elongated, seated upon a more or
less obvious stalk. Flowers very loosely disposed in the catkin. Leaves
lanceolate, serrated, glabrous, stipuled. The plants, trees of considerable
size. (Hook. Br. Fi., ed. 2., adapted.)
Í 19. S. b a b y l o 'n i c a . The Babylonian, or weeping. Willow.
Liu. Sp. Pl., 1443 ; Smith iu Rees’s Cyclo., No. 42. ; Koch Comm., p. 17.
nymcs. S. propéndens Sering. SaL Hel. p. 73. ; S. orientàlis, &c., Toui-n. ; S. aràbica &c C
•uh. ; Saule ploureur, Parasol du grand Seigneur, Fr. ; Trauer Weide, Thrànen Weide Ger.
The Sexes. Thc female is figured in SaL Woh. ; thc male is not known, in a living state, in Britain ;
unless it be S. b. Napoleònn, as suggested in p. 758.
ngravings. Rauw. It., 2.5. 183. ; oar fig. 22. in p. 795. ; the plates of this tree in Arb. B r i t , 1st
edit., vol. vii. ; and oui-^% 1441.
1441. S. babylcinica.
Spec. Char., 4c. Leaves lanceolate, acuminate, finely serrated, glabrous ,
glaucous beneath. Catkins protruded at the same time as the leaves.
Ovary ovate, sessile, glabrous. (Willd.) A pendulous-branched tree. Asia,
on the banks oi the Euphrates, near Babylon, whence its name ; and also
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