I l i ' ì!‘ri;
' i J '
' i f r
t. 20. ; P. marítima N . Du Ifnvi. 5. p 240.; P . s5?rtica Thore Provi. su r Jes Có r s j e Gascogne,
p. !GL ; P . Massonian« Lamb. 2 ed. 118. ; Pin de Bordeaux Pin dos Landos ; 1 mastro, J/n/.
Engravings. Dn Ilam. Arb., No. 4. t. 2(>. ; Lamb. Pin., ed. 2., 1. t. 9. ; N. Du Ilam , 5. t. 72. am
72. bis f.l. ; the plates of this tree in Arb. B n t., IsL edit. vol. v n i.; o u r /g . lJ8b., to om usual
scale ; / g s . 1781. and 1782., o fth e natural size, from Dropmore and Pam s Hill specimens.
Sncr, Char,, S/c. Leaves in pairs, rigid, very long. Cones conical, placed in
whorls of 3 , 4 , or even as many as 8 , together ; rather solitary, much shorter
than the leaves ; the
backs of the scales
forming each a rhom-
hoidal pyramid, with
two lateral angles,
from which proceed
ribs, terminating at
the summit of the
pyramid in a smaller
pyramid, which has
a hard point, more I
or less sharp, and of i
a grey colour. Crest
of the anthers rounded,
Bud (Jig 1781.)
1781. P . Pirìàster.
from f in. to f in.
long; and from f in .
to I in. broad ;
straight-sided, cylindrical,
with the scales
turned back ; white
and woolly, but never
resinous ; surrounding
buds few and
small. Leaves (see
/ g . 1782.) from 6 or
8 inches to 1 ft. in
length, slightly serrated
on the margins
; sheaths from
Lin. to fin. in length;
imbricated, scarcely rigid ; pale green or whitish at first, and becomi»g
at last black. Cones from 4 in. to Gin. in length, and from Ifm-
J_________ , light brown, and shining; scales
to 2 f in. wide at the broadest part
from 1 in. to Ifin . in length, and 1 fr<
from f in. to fin . in breadth at the widest
p a r t; terminating in a regular pyramid ; rhomboidal at the base. The summit
consisting of a smaller rhomboidal pyramid, of an ash-grey colour, very
LX X V I I . CO N I FERAE ; J P l NUS . 9 6 3
hard, and with a small sharp point, more particulaidy in the upper part of
tne cone. Seeds oblong, and measuring, without the wing, upwards of
fin. in length, and nearly Jin. in breadth; with the wing above IJin . in
length; wing nearly J-in. in breadth. Cotyledons 7 or 8 . A large tree.
South of Europe and Greece ; chiefly in low situations, and sandy soils
neai- the sea. Height SO ft. to 60 ft. sometimes 70 ft. Introduced in 1596. It
flowers, near London, in the beginning of Ju n e ; in the North and West of
France, in May ; and on the Liuides of Bordeaux, in April; and the cones
ripen at the end of the second year.
Varieties. The extensive geographical range of this tree has given rise to
many varieties, thoii^^ we have seen but very few that can be considered
truly distinct.
i P. P. 2 Aberdomas Gard. Mag. vol. xv. p. 128. P .P . Escaren«s Arb.
Brit. 1 st edit. p. 2214. — The leaves are of apaler green than those
of the species, but they are equally long and strong. Tjhe
cones are shorter, and more ovate. A most distinct and
handsome variety. Introduced into Britain by the Earl of
Aberdeen, in 1825. ■»
t P. P. 3 Lemoniknns. P. Lemonidtia Benth. Hort. Transact.,
vol. i., second series, p. 509. pl. 20.; and our Jig.
1783. to our usual scale, and Jig.
1784. to the natural size.—This is
also a very distinct variety, but
quite the opposite of the last ;
being a stunted bushy plant, with
P . P, Lcmoiiidnits.
zigzag,_ close, and twiggy branches ; and standing apparently
in the same relation to P. Pinaster that P. (s.)
pumilio does to P. sylvéstris.
2 P. P. 4 minor. P. marítima minor N. D u Ham. v. p. 242. t. 72. bis,
f. 1 ., and o u r/g . Tc85. ; Pin Pinsot, Pin de Mans, Pin à Trochet.—
This variety, which is chiefly distinguished by the somewhat smaller
size of its cones, being from in. to 4 in. long, and Ifin . broad, is
said by Bosc to be produced by a colder climate, and to abound on
the west coast of France, especially on the barren sands in the
neighbourhood of Mans; and to be hardier than the species. It is
found in the Landp of Bordeaux, growing along with P. Pinàster.
¥ P. P. 5 fòiiis variegàtis.— Leaves variegated.
i P. P. 6 maritimus,—Shoots and leaves more slender than those of the
species. Greece and Italy, on the sea coast.
Other Varieties. Seveml enumerated in our first edition bear the names
3 (i 2