I !
I , Ì
t I Ì
ornament, or in masses for useful purposes in plantations. In the former
case to remove any of the branches would destroy the object in view ; ami
in the latter, if the ?antation is of suitable thickness, the lower branches begm
to die off of themselves, after the trees ha^ve
and all that is necessary is to assist nature, by cutting off the branches close
to the trunk, the moment they begin to show indications of decay.
G enus I.
PI'NUS L . The Pinf.. Lin. Syst. Monoe'cia Monadélphia.
Ä r - E J i t a , “ ! ? - /mes Le pin i 'r . ; ric«n ie , r-ymi«aum, Äui xx..v.s -., > - j • H U .,.: F ln c f c l .
Gen. Char., f r . Male flowers in grouped catkins. Polkn eontamed in
2 cells, formed in the scale, that open lengthwise. Female floweis with 2
ovules. StrobUe in most species ovately conical. Carpels or outer sea es
thickened at the tip, exceeding the bracteas or their outer scales m length,
and concealing them ; persistent. , , , r .. x,e.;A
Leaves simple, alternate, exstipulate, sheathed, evergreen; rioiil,
-roups of 2, 3, or 5; each group arising out of a scaly sheath. Flowm,
males whitish yellow, powdery. F nat a cone.
Evergreen trees, generally of large size natives of Europe Asia and
Aineric? and in an eminent degree both useful and ornamental. They
in Britain, in May and June, and generally ripen then; cones in he autim
of the following year. The species may be arranpd either according to the t
cones or their leLes; and we have adopted the latter feature as the foun -
tion of our sections, because it is applicable to trees in every stage ot the
growth; ami because many of the species in London gardens have not yet
‘ °The following is our arrangement of the species in British gardens
S i. Btnie.—Leaves 2 in a sheath.
1 . sylvéstris.
2. Pumilio.
3. Laricio.
4. (L.) austrìaca.
1 1 . BanksMiM.
1 2 . inops.
13. púngens.
A. Natives o f Europe,
ñ- (L.) PallasiàiM.
G. (L.) pyrenàica.
7. Pinaster.
8 . Pinea.
9. halepénsis.
1 0 . brùtia.
B. Natives o f North America.
14. resinosa. 16. contorta.
15. mìtis. 17. turbinata.
18. Tae'da.
19. rígida.
20. Fràserì.
2 1 . serótina.
2 2 . ponderosa.
31. Teocòte,
§ ii. Ternata;.—Leaves 3 in a sheath.
A. Natives o f North America
23. Sabiniiin«.
24. Coulteri.
25. austràlis.
26. insignis.
B. Natives o f Mexico.
32. pàtula.
27. californiàna.
28. muricàta.
29. tuberculàta.
30. radiàta.
33. Llave«««.
C. Fatives ofthe Canaries, India, China, and Australia
.34. canariénsis. 36. tìerard/n'««.
3.3. longifòlia. 3 7 . sinénsis. 38. timoriénsis.
§ iii. Leaves 5 in a sheath.
A. Cones with thc Scales nwre or less thickened at the Apex.
a. Natives o f Me.vieo or Guatemala.
* Cones long
39. Hartwcpï.
■1 0 . Devon¿a«a.
41. Russell/à?/a.
42. Montezùmoe.
43. macrophylla.
44. Pseùdo-Ârôbus.
45. filifòlia.
** Cones short.
46. leiophylla.
47. oocáipa.
48. apulcénsis.
I). Natives o f the West Indies.
49. occidentàlis.
Cones with the Scales not thickened at ihe Apex.
a. Natives o f Europe and Siberia,
50. Cémbra,
b. Natives o f North America.
51. «trobus. 52. Lambertenao. 5 3 , montícola.
c. Natives o f Nepal and Mexico.
54. excélsa. 5 5 . Ayacahuite.
§ I. Bma;. — L ea v e s gene rally 2 in a sheath.
A. Natives o f Europe.
1. P. s y l v e ' s t r i s L . The wood, or Scotch, Pine, or Scotch Fir.
Identification. Lm. Sp. P t , 1418. i Smith F l. Br.. t. 103L; Eng. Fl., 4, p. 150., Lmnh. Pin., e j.
8vo, 1 .1. I.
vatico, Ital. ; Pino sylvestre, owa«.;
Engravings. Med. Bot., t. 207. ; Pall.
Koss,, t. 2. f. 1. •, Mill. Illu s t, t. 82. ;
Hunt. Evel. Syl., p. 274. ; Black.,
t 490.; Eng. Bot., 35, t 2460.;
I.amb. Pin., 2d ed., 1. t. 1. ; the
plates of this tree in Arb. Brit., 1st
edit.; and ourjig. 1761.
Spec. Char., 4^. Leaves rigid,
in pairs. Young cones
stalked, recurved.
Crest of the anthers
very small.
Smith.) Buds
'/g.l759.) ovate,
blunt - pointed,
from ;Jin. to a in.
long, and ^ in.
wide in the broadest
p a rt; white,
with a reddish tip,
the white produced
by resinous exudation.
The central bud
generally with 5 or 6 smaller
ones round it. Leaves ( fig.
1760. b) from in. to
Fyrre, Dan. and S ul
Abbildung., GerZ, Vynhoom,’Dutch ; Pino syU
; Sosna, Pol., Bob., and Ru$s.
3 I> 4 17G0. i>. sylvéslris.