nubescent, but becoming glabrous ; wavy at the edge, or
not. Stipules half-heart-shaped. Catkin peduncled upon
a leafy twiglet. Bractea bearded at the tip. Stamens 3.
Capsule ovate-conical, more or less pubescent or glabrous,
stalked ; the stalk twice the length of the gland.
S ty l e elongated. Stigmas bifid. (Koch.) A bushy tree.
Germany and England, on the banks of streams. Height
12 ft. to 15 ft. Flowers yellow ; April and May.
¥ afe S. tt. 2. S. undulàta Forbes in Sal. Wob. No. 13.
¥ afe S. M. 3. S. lanceolàta Smith Fng. Bot. t. 1436., Fng. FL i. v.
p. 168., Forbes in Sal. Wob. No. 14.
¥ afe S. w. having the catkins androgynous.—S. undulàta occurs in this
case. (Koch Comm. p. 20.)
Sfe 11 D IP P O P H A E F O 'L IA TkuUlier. The Sea-Buckthorn-leaved Willow, (;;■
* Osier, described in our 1st edit., does not appear to be introduced.
a ¥ 12. S. t r ia 'ndra L . The 3-stamened-y?o?i)-?7’^if Willow, or Oskr.
I .
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