Cratæ'gus parvifòlia, C. p. fiàrida, C.p. grossulariafhlia, C. virginica,
C. mexicàna. The small-leaved Thorn, the Florida Thorn, the Gooseberry
leaved Thorn, the Virginian Thorn, and the Mexican Thorn.
Leaves and fruit of the natural size.
x x v r . r o s a ' c k æ : p h o t i ' n i a .
G e n u s XV.
S T R A N V Æ 'S /4 Lindl. T h e S t r a n v / e ' s i a . Lin. Syst. Icosândria
Identification. Lindl. in Bot. Reg.
Sunonvme. Cratæ'gus in part. ,
herivation. In honour of the Hon. W. T. H. Fox Strangways, F .H.S., See., a botanical amateur,
who possesses a rich collection.
Gen. Chav. Calyx 5-toothed. Petals 5, concave, sessile, spreading, vilious
at the base. 'Stamens 20, spreading. Omrg villous, superior, 5-celled ;
cells containing 2 ovules. Fvuit spherical, enclosed by the calyx, containing
a superior, 5-valved, hard, brittle, dehiscent capsule. Seeds oblong.
Testa cartilaginous, (Lindl.)
Leaves simple, alternate, stipulate, evergreen ; lanceolate, serrated.
Flowirs corymbose. — An evergreen tree ; native of the temperate [¡arts
of Asia ; in Britain a rather tender shrub.
« 1. S. glauoe' scens Lindl. Tlie glaucous-fcaucí! Stranvæsia.
Idlnlifcatijn. Lindl. in Bot. Reg., t. 1966.
Synonyme. Cratæ'gus glaúca Wail. Cat. G73.
Engravings. Bot. Reg., t. 195G.; and o u r/¿ - i. 731. and 732.
Spec. Char., 4c. Leaves lanceolate,
coriaceous, serrated,
pointed at the base ; midrib
and nerves on the under side,
as well as the young twigs,
hairy. Corymbs somewhat
woolly. Pedicels .3 or 4 times
as long as the bud. (Lindl.)
An evergreen shrub ; in Nepal,
a tree 20 ft. high. Introduced
in 1828, Flowerswhite; July.
Fruit small, yellowish red ; ripe
in October.
Somewhat tender when treated
as a standard in the open garden ;
but, when trained against a wall,
forming a very handsome evergreen.
Propagated by grafting on
G e n u s XVI.
731. Stranvse'sia glaucéscens.
PHOTTNIA Lindl. T h e P h o t i n i a . Lin. Sÿst. Icosiindria Di-Pentagynia.
Mmtification. Lindl. in Lin. Soc. Trans., 13. p. 103.; Dec. Prod., 2. p. 631. ; Don’s Mill,, 2, p. 602.
F iïm pM to ir a i shining ; in al'nslon to th e lucid surface of the leaves.
Gen. Char. Calyx 5-toothed. Petals reflexed. Ovarium semiadherent, villous,
2-celled. Styles 2, glabrous. Pericarp 2-celled, enclosed in the fleshy
calyx. Testa cartilaginous. (Doris Mill.)
Leaves simple, alternate, stipulate, evergreen ; quite entire, or serrated.
B D 2