a f t t a t r e Z n "1! fo®, “ >® ‘■'re «>akes a .splendid appearance
¥ Í G. C. ( f . ) a f f i ' n i s Lindl. The related (to C. frígida) Cotoneaster.
“43. C. if.; affi'nis.
JdenUficatton. Limll. in Lin. Soc. Trans., 13. p. 101.; Dec. P rod., 2. p.G32.; and Don’s Mill., 2.
Méspilus mtegórrima Hamilt. MSS. ; M. aiTlnis D. Bon Prod. Fl. Nep. 238. ; ? C ku-
mària in Lodd. collection. . . ^ -«n
Engravings. T h e plate in Arb. Brit., 1st edit., vol.vi. ; and our Jzg. ?43.
Spec. Char., 4c. Leaves ovate, with a small mucro at the tip, and tapered at
thebase. Peduncles and calyxes woolly. {Dec. Prod.) Asub-ev_ergi^en
shrub or low tree. Nepal, a t Chittong, in the lower country. Height 10 it.
to 20ft. Introduced in 1828. Flowers white; April and May. Fruit
bright red, or deep crimson ; ripe in September, and remaining on the
trees great part of the winter.
A robust shrub or low tree, in general habit and appearance so like the
preceding sort, as to induce us to think that they are only different forms of
the same species. They are, however, different in foliage, and on that account
worth keeping distinct.
If 1 7. C. a c u m i n a ' t a Lindl. The acuminated-Zcfltied Cotoneaster.
Identification. Lindl. in Lin. Soc. T ra n s., 13. p. 101. ; Dec. Prod., 2. p. 632. ; Don’s Mill., 2. p. G03
13. t. 9, ; the plate of thie species in Arb.
Brit., 1st edit., vol. vi. ; and our fig . 744.
Spec. Char., f r . Leaves ovate, acuminated, rather pilose on b fth surfaces.
Peduncles glabrous, 1—2, rather reflexed, shorter than those oi C. vulgaris,
C. tomentósa, or C. affi'nis. Calyxes glabrous. (Dec. Prod.) A sub-
evergreen shrub or low tree. Nepal. Height 10 it. to 15 ft. Introduced in
1820. Flowers white ; April and May. Fruit scarlet ; npe m beptcmber,
and remaining on the plants all the winter.
A vigorous-growing, fastigiate, leathery-leaved shrub, or very handsome
sub-evergreen low tree ; very distinct, and a most desirable species.
¥ 8. C. n u a im u la 'k ia Lindl. The money-like-fcared Cotoneaster.
Identification. Lindi, in Hort. Trans., 6. p. 396. _ x.Tr,Fi Synonymes. C. elliptica flor/. ; . v r i5»'>vi'! iir E r i o b ó t r y a elliptica ; Muspilus Hort, , .C .la iM S iir
Be™“ ' ; » " “p ra b ab li from th e rouhdness ot the leaf, reeemblihg the |e n e ra l form ot coins.
Eneramigs. .The plate in Arb. Brit., 1st edit., vol. vi. ; and our Jig. 745.