Groii|i iv. Vcntlinàvac lìorrcr.
Trees having Flowers with 3—5 Stamens. Prin. sp. IC, 17, and 18.
Stumcns in a flower more than 3, in most instances 5. Ovary glabrous. —
The plaut.s trees of moderate size. T.cavcs largo, glossy, fragrant, serrated,
and having glands in the serratures, from wliich a resin exudes. Stamens
ill eaeli catkin so numerons and long, as to render the flowers, which, too,
are in perlection at tlie same time as the foliage, quite handsome, and the
trees, in this condition, more ornamental tlian tliose of any other group.
( Hook.)
¥ 10. ¿. pknta'ndiia/j. The five-stamcned;;f7oiW7w/Willow.
Jdi-ndjlcation. Sp. P l., 1442. ; Kng. l ì . , 4. p. 171. ; Hook. Br. I i . , <hI. 3., }>. 420.
Sijuouymcs. S. pcntámlra , p a r t of, Koch Comm. p. 13. ; tlie Kwcet Vlillow, o r llay-lcavcil Willow.
The Scxfs. Both sexes a re liguretl in .S’a i Wob. a iul Ilay n o ’s vI/iA/Vrf., an d tlio male in Eng Hot.,
with two views o f an ovary.
Engravings. En g . Bo t., 1 . 1805, ; H o st AuPtr., 1. t . 1. f. 2. ; o u r / g . 1438. ; a n i l /g . 34. In p . 798.
Spec. Char., c^f. Leaves ovate, |iointcd, crenate, glaiulnlar, glabrous. Footstalks
glandular at the suniinit. Stamens 5 or more, hairy at thc base.
Ovary ovate, tapering, smooth, nearly sessile. (Snl.
iVoh.) An upright tree. Britain, on tiie banks
of rivers and in watery places. Height 18 ft. to 20 ft.
Flowers yellow ; June.
Thc flowers are remarkably fragrant, as arc tlie
leaves, esjiccially when bruiseil : tlie fragrance, wliich
is similar to that of liic swect bay (Zaúrus nóbilis),
but less powerful, is exuded irom the resinous crenatures
of tlie leaves, and from the barren catkins. It is
one of the most desli'able species of the genus for
jilanting in pleasure-grounds, on account of thc fine
disj)lay made by thc blossoms, their ))rofusion, tlieir
almndant fragrance, tlic smooth, shining, rich deep green
of the leaves, and thc comparatively slow growth and
coinpact habit of the tree. rcuiámim.
¥ S. j;;. 2 hermaphrodUica. —Catkins more or less hermaphrodite.
¥ 17. S. MiiVEii///'N/f Willd. Meyer’s Willow.
Identification. Willd. Bori. Bnnmz ., p. 427. ; Hook. B r. F l., oil. 3., p. 421.
Synoñymes. S. cuspidiita Schullz \ S. tinc tòriii Smith ; S. p en tim d ra ß I.inn. ; S. h cxS n d ra Ehrh ;
S. E h rlia rtúÍíirt Smith ; S. to trá iid ra ÌVilld.
7'he Sexes. T h o male is flgurod In Hayno’s .ibbild. T h o female is m cntionod In Koch Comvi., and
Ho o k e r’s Er. FL, ed. 3., p. 421.
Engravings. Hayilo AhbiUE, t. 1G2. ; o u r / g . 1439, ; n iu l/g . 33. in p. 798.
Spec. Char., c^-c. Leaves ovate-cllijitic, pointed, glabrous ; green and shining
above, rather pale beneath but not glaucous ; serrated ; tlic serratures of
thc young leaves glandular. Stipules soon falling oft'. Stamens 3—4.
Bractea obtuse, yellow. (Willd.) A handsome tree, with brownish smooth
branches, ami large broad .sliiniiig leaves. ]‘‘omerania am! Sweden, in
mcatlows, and wootly ami marshy places. Height 20 ft. to 30 ft. Introduced
in 1822. Flowers yellow ; April.
Mr. Borrer states that the insertion of this kind in Hook. Br. Fl., cd. 3.,
as a native of Britain, arose from a mistake of his. (See Borrer in Comp, lo
Bot. Mag., p. 225.)
¥ 18. S. lu 'c id a Mühlenh. Thc shining-Zcawd Willow.
IdentiflcaJion. Miihlcnb. Nov. Act. Soc. N a t. S c n it. Borol., 4. p. 239. t . G. f. 7. ; F u rsh F l. Amer.
Sept., 2. p. fil6. ; Michx. N o rth Amor. Sylva, 3. p. 81.
Synonyme. S. Fovlfòsó' Sweet H o rt. B rit. ed. 1830.
; f'
i ' }
I, ■■
' I
1439. .S'. Meyor/dim. 3 c 2