S 14. C. ( f . ) t r i l o b a ' t a Lodd. Cai. The three-lobed-&OTei! Thorn.
Identification. Lodd. Cat., edit. 1832.
Èinoni/ine. C. spinosissima Lee.
ngraving. Fig, 700. in p. 395.
Spec. Char., f r . Leaves ovate-cuneate, notched and serrated. Petioles
slender. Surface flat, shining, somewhat veined. Branches small, thickly
beset with slender thorns. Habit spreading. A hybrid, raised from seed
in the Hammersmith Nursery, about 1820, or before. I t forms a tree in
general appearance resembling C. flava, but with the branches much less
vigorous, and more thorny. The fruit is yellow, slightly tinged with red ;
and what distinguishes it from the two allied sorts is, that its leaves die off,
in autumn, of an intensely deep scarlet.
§ v iii. A p iifò lia :.
Sect. Char. Leaves deltoid, or somewhat resembling those of the common
thorn. The fruit is also of the same colour ; but the tree has a totally different
habit, having the shoots loose and spreading, weak, and almost without
¥ IS. C. j p i i f o ' l i a Michx. The Par.sley-leaved Thorn.
Identification. Michx. F l. Bor. Amer., 1. p. 287., not of Med. ; Dec. P ro d ., 2. p. 627. ; Don’s Mill.
Sifnmdmes. C. Oxyacdnthii ITo«. Cm oi. 147. ; C. opiitillia màjor io d d . Coi.
Engravings. Fig. 702. in p. 395. ; th e plate in Arb. Brit., 1st edit., vol. vi. -, and om fig . S.ol.
Spec. Char., f r . Leaves deltoid, cut into lobes th a t are acute and incisely
toothed. Pedicels in the corymb villose, mostly simple. Tube of calyx
villose. Sepals obscurely serrated. F ruit scarlet. {Dec. Prod.) A low
spreading tree with flexible branches. Virginia and Carolina, in moist woods.
Height 10ft. to 20 ft. Introduced in 1812. F lo w e r s white; May and June.
Haws scarlet ; ripe in October. Decaying leaves rich yellow.
S C. a. 2 minor, C. apiifòlia Lodd. Cat. {fig. 701. in p. 395.), has the
leaves smaller than those of the species, and more fringed at the
edges, like those of the common parsley ; bnt this fringed appearance
is by no means constant, either in the variety or in the species. This
variety forms a most ornamental low bush ; or, when grafted standard
high, a beautiful pendent tree.
§ ix. M ic r o c à r p a .
Sect. Char. Fruit small, round, red. Flowers small, produced in corymbs,
later in the season than in any of the other species. Spines few, but sometimes
very large.
¥ 16. C. c o r d a ' t a MUl. The heart-shaped-fcaaed Thorn.
Identification. MiU. le ., t. 179. ; Dec. P rod., 2. p. 628. ; Don’s Mill., 2. p. .599.
Synoitymes. M. Phamópyrum L in n . ; M. cordàta Mill. ; C. populifolia Walt. Car. 147., and
Pursk Sept. 1. 337. ; 3/éspilus ocerifòlia Poir. Dict. 4. p. 442.
Engravi7ìgs. Mill, Ic., t. 179.; Wats. Dend, B rit- t. 63. ; Bot. Rep., t. 1151. ; fig. 703. in p. 396.
tlie plate of this species in Arb. Brit., 1st edit., vol. vi. ; and- our fig. 652.
652 C. cordàta.
Spec. Char., Disks of leaves cordate-ovate, angled by lobes, glabrous.
Petioles and calyxes without glands. Styles 5 in a flow'er. (Dec. Prod.)
A compact, close-headed, small tree, with leaves of a deep shining green.
Canada to Virginia, in hedges and rocky places. Height 20 ft. to 30 ft.
Introduced in 1738. Flowers white, in numerous terminal corymbs ; May
and June. F ruit small, scarlet; lipe in October.
A very distinct and handsome species.
35 Ì7. C. s p a t i i u l a ' t a Ellioit. The s'^nthuXa.-shaped-leaved Thorn.
Identification. Elliott F l. S. Car., 1. p. 552.; Lodd. Bot. C a t.,t. 1261.
Si/nonymes. C. microcàrpa Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1846. ; C. flòrida Godefroy.
Engravings. Bot. Cab., t. 126!.; Bot. Reg., t. 1846. \ fig . 704. in p. 396. ; th e plate of th e species
in Arb. Brit., 1st edit., vol. vi. ; and o u rjig . 653.
Spec. Char., 4c. Subspinose. Leaves in fascicles, oblong cuneated, 3-cleft,
lobed and crenated, smooth, shining. Corymbs many-flowered. Calyx
smooth; segments ovate, quite entire. F ruit ovate, siibrotund, smooth,
i.i ;■