H ?
S " p o m ? e ? doux.
I S ? w . s £ t
l U i r ' The som-fi-uUed Apple Tree, or comvwn Crab.
Idmtficauon. Dec. Prod., 2. p. 635.; Don’s Mill., 2. p. 623.
774. F . (jJi.) a c ^ I » .
Eugrartngs. FI. ¿ c o .X A o i . / T l f e l S e A V o " t r e . r t S c ,% ? ( S . . ” t e r ‘>^^ 7 r t ''
"F ?w ? :-’i ,f Z i , ? r ' T ^e’ T L z t t
glabrous. (D o o . P r o « . ) A native of woods
and way sides in Europe. This form, according
to DeCandolle, yields many subvarieties
with sour fruit, called, in Britain
cider apples ; and in France, generally, pom!
miers a cidre.
* 14. P. (M ) PKUNiFo'LiA W. The Plum-
tree-leaved Apple Tree, or Siberian Crab.
" " M i l r . ; 2' " / ! i1 ? ' ’- ^ 2. p.635.;
p- >'^-1
Engravings. Mill. Ic., t. 269.'; and onr flg. 776.
T T T ’ f t ’ °P®‘®’ acuminated,
seuated glabrous. Peduncles pubescent,
lu b e o f calyx glabrous. Styles woolly at
7 7 5 .' i ’. (jJ7,)^irunifbiia.
the base ; and, as appears from JlFi«. Ic., t. 209., with the styles twice as
long as the stamens, and the fruit subglobose, yellowish, and austere. {Dec.
Prod.) A native of Siberia I introduced in 1758.
According to Mr. Knight, some of the finest varieties raised by him are from
cultivated apples fecundated with the blossoms of this tree. The progeny,
he found, formed more hardy trees than any other kinds, and produced earlier
and mure highly flavoured fruit.
t 15. P. (AT.) BACOA'TA i . The berry-fflo-/™ifcd Apple Tree, or
Siberian Crab.
M e n tfic a tio n . Lin. Mant.. 7 5 .; Aram. Ruth., t. 31.; Pall. Fl. Ross., t. 10.; Ueu Prod., 2. p. 635.
Don’s Mill., 2. p. 646.
S S i » . I f ail.'l?i. Ro'ss., t. 10. •, tb e plate in Arb. Brit., l . t ed it., vol. v l . ;
and oaxjig. 776.
776. (P. M.) baccàta.
Spec. Char., f r . Disks of leaves ovate, acute, equally serrated, glabrous, the
length of the petiole. Flowers grouped. Sepals deciduous. (Dec. Prod.)
A native of Siberia and Dahuria, and only differing from the preceding sort,
of which it is, doubtless, a subvariety, in not having a persistent calyx.
Î 16. P. (M .) Dioi'cA W. The dioecious-iea-eti Apple Tree.
Identificatim. Willd. Arb., 263. ; Spec. 5., p.1018. ; Dec. Prod., 2. p.635. ; Don’s Mill., 2 p. 646._
gynonynies. P. apétala MUnc/i. Hausv. 5. p. 247., on the authority of Willdenow ; A/alus dioica
Audib, Cat.
Engraving. Oar Jig. 2088. in P. 1106.
Spec. Char., 4c. Leaves oval, serrated, tomentose beneath. Flowers, in many
instances, solitary. Sexes dioecious, by defect. Calyx tomentose. Petal®
linear, the length of the sepals. Styles glabrous. (Dec. Prod.) Not diifer-
ing in external appearance from a crab or apple tree. Horticultui’al Society’s
t 17. P. (M .) a s tr a c a 'n ic a Dec. The Astrachan Apple Tree.
Identfication. Dec. P rod., 2. p. 635. ; Don’s Mill. 2,, p. 646. , _ . ,
Synonymes. Màlus astracânica Dum. Cours. ed. 2. 5. p. 426. ; Transparent de Moscovie j Glace de
Zélande; the transparent Crab of English nurseries.
Engraving. Oxixjig. 2C89 in p. 1106.
Spec. Char., 4c, Leaves oval-oblong, acute, partially doubly serrated ; pale