P . Russellióna. 1881. P . Mo n te zùm e.
Í 42. P. M o n t e z u 'm ^ Lamb, Montezuma’s, or the rough-branched
Mexican, Pine.
Identification. Lamb. Pin., 1. t. 22.; Penny Cyc., vol. 18.
Synonyme. P . occidentàlis Kunth in Humb. et Bonp. Nov. Gen. et Sp. Pl. 2. p. 4., Deppe in Schicchi.
Linncea 5. p. 76.
Engrauings. Lamb. P in ., ed. 2., 1. t. 22. ; aod o u r /g s . 1881. and 1884. from Lambert.
Spec. Char.y 4'c. Leaves in fives, erect, triquetrous; sheaths about I in. long,
persistent. Cones oblong, about 9 in. long, tuberculate. (L am b .P in .) A
tall tree. Orizaba, and other mountains of Mexico, to the height of 1100 ft.
Í P. M. 2 Lindlèyi (fig s . 1882. and
1883., from specimens sent
home l)y Hartweg.)—Cones with
the scales flattened, or very
slightly tuberculated at the tip.
Found on the road to Súmate,
where it grows from 40 ft. to
50 ft. high. The cones of P.
MontezuiuiP, which were distributed
by the Horticultural
Society in 1839, differ so much
from those of this species in
Mr. Lambert’s possession, and
also from cones sent from
Mexico to Mr, Henchman, that
we have thought it advisable to
keep them distinct. The cones
in Mr. Lambert’s possession are
much tuberculated, as are also
those of Mr. Henchman ; while
those distributed by the Horticultural
1882. P . Montezùina- L in d lè ji.
Society have the tips of the scales almost flat; and therefore
we have thought it advisable to mark the Horticultural Society’s
plant as a variety, till something more is known respecting it.
^ A tall tree. Branchlets covered with thick scabrous bark. Leaves generally
in fives, rarely in threes or fours; stijiiilar, persistent, lanceolate, much pointed,
1 0 0 5
with ciliated and torn
scales ; erect, waved,
somewhat rigid, triquetrous,
callous, and
mucronate ; glaucous
green, marked with
many parallel dotted
lines ; slightly bica-
naiiculate above, and
flattish beneath ; 6 in.
long ; angles crenulated,
and scabrous :
sheaths 1 in. to l i in.
long, persistent : scales
amentaceous, ciliare
and torn on the margin,
bright brown.
Male catkins cylindrical,
1 in. long, with
many imbricated, oval,
ciliated scales at the
base. Appendage to
the anthers roundish,
convex, coriaceous,
membranaceous on the
margin, torn, and crenulated,
Cones oblong,
tubercled, bright
brown, thicker at the
base, a little attenuated
towards the apex,
about 6 in. long ; scales
elevated at the apex,
bluntly tetragonal,
truncate, very thick.
(Lamb.) Mr. Lambert
says : “ Baron
Humboldt has referred
this species
to Pinus occidentàlis
Swartz; but I have
ventured to separate
it, as the size of the
cones, which may, in
general, be relied on
as indicating a specific
distinction in this genus,
differs so much.”
Those described by
Swartz are only 3 in.
long, whereas those
of P. Monteziim<s are
more than double that
length. M'hether this
species will prove
quite hardy in British 188?. P . MonteziJmic Lindlèyi.