517. I’, r. toiiuilolm
Voi'iciies, according to Seringe, in J)rr. Prod,
JS, P. f . 2 dahùrica Ser. P . dahùrica Nc.i/l, Pol. 31. t. I. ; P . fruticósa
ÌAfhm. Pol:. 32. — («labrous. Lobes of the
leaves 3—.5, pinnately cut. Sepals siiorter and
broader than the bractcoles. Dahuria. Introduced
in 1824; and producing its yellow
flowers in July. jMants in the llo r t. Soc.
(la rlen , and in tlie Epsoiu Nursery.
P. f . 3 tenuiloba Ser. ; P. fruticósa ft Ncsll. Pol.
.30., Po/. 32. var. 7 ; P . iloriiiùnda ZV/.
PL Amer, Sept. I. p. 3.55., Walaoii’s Dend.
liril. t. 70. ; i*. fenuifòlia Sehleelrnd. Jirrf.
Aiag.y according to Lehm. Poi. 32. (O n r //g.
5 4 7 .)— Scj)als and lobes of the leaves narrow,
and with a sliglit hoary silkinc.ss. Nortli
America ; where it is a low-growing shrnh, not
above IB in. iiigh. I t was also found hy Pallas
in Siberia. The handsomest variety of llie
J* 2. P. o t.a 'iira Lodd. The glabrous Potentilla.
Identiflcntion. I.ihIcI. Ho(;. (’iiU., ; Doc. Tiod., 2. i>. CM. ; Don’s Mill., 2. p. .KII.
St/n<niyo/rs. P. rrnllcòsa ÌÌlbii Jiufrh, according to Ladd. Hat. Cab., t. DM,
hiigraviugs. fiodd. Bot. (Jab., t. DM. ; and oav Jig. .548,
Spec. Char., Pnitcscent. Brandies
pendulous, j)iirple. Loaves piniuitely
cut into 5 entire lobes. lOowcrs terminal,
white, o f the size of those of
tlie w'ood strawberry (Fragària vésca).
(Dee. Prod.) A beautiful little shrub. (
Siberia, lloiglit 2 ft. to 4 ft. Intro-^
(liiced in 1818. F low e rsw h ite ; June
to August. F ruit brown ; ripe in September.
I t diiiers from P. fniticó.sa in being per- ^
fectly smootii in all its ¡larts, and ¡n having [leiulnlous branches and undulated
leaves. Ft thrives best in a mixture of loam aiitl peat, is o f slow growth,
and difficnlt to increase, except l>y seed.
3. P . Sai.esoV i / Stepb. Salesovins’s Potentilla.
IdrnlillcaUan. Stopli., according lo Willd. Kmnn., p. 552. : Nostl. I'ot ;il :
Lchin. Pol :i5. t. 1. ; Dec. ]>i-od., 2. p. 583. ’ ’ Lngrnving. Lclnn. Pot.,,*)«, t. 1.; luiil om-.///,'. 54D.
Spec. Char., ^e. lia b it resembling tliat of Pomarimi paluslro.
Stem snflTiiticose. Leaves pinnately cut, coriaceous. Lobes
oblong, acutely serrate, pubescent above upon tbe veins
whitely tomentose beneath. Stipules lanceolate, very acute’
entire, ratlier filmy a t tlic edge. FJowers large, white
upon short peduncles, and groiijied. Sepals lanceolate^
very acute, broad, almost as long as tbe petals, wbidi arc
51i). 1’. Siiloitrtvl/.
tom a nm pn/hln- h. (L n g . H o t, t. 172.), I'otentill.q CVmmnim Srop., a well
known in tish phint foum ni boggy soil.s, with some« Imt ligneoii» shoots, unci
showy (lowcTS o( u clcop clingy purple, nmy he aclcleci to this order, and iii.iy
piove iiselnl m j.artieidiir silimtions, on the nuvrgins o f ponds,
x x v i . k o s aY 'eæ ; c o w a 'n m .
G e n u s X I .
3 ‘2 1
C OW A 'N /ri 1). Hon. Tiiu C ow am a . Lin. Sysl. IcosAiidria Polygynia.
morcliiinl, wlio Bovoriil times vlsltrcl Moxlc'C.
and Porn, vvhonci: he liitroduecd a great many plants.
Gen. Char. 6 V /Z //,r5-cleft. Pc lah 5 . O iw v V '.v .5— 1 4 . erect. terminnl,
contiiinons. ' Achenia adorned witii the plumose persbstent style. (D . Don.)
Leaves simple, alternate, stipulate, evergreen ; wedge-shaped, oblong,
pinmitifiil, plaited. Flowers terminal, solitary, almost sessile, red. —■ Siirub ;
native o f Mexico; very ornuiiientnl, but .somewhat tender in B ritish gardens.
I. (I. im.ioa'ta 7i>. y/oti. The plaited-fcffliwd Cowania.
Jdnililtcatum. Swt. lli'lt. Flor. fiiircl.,1. 4110.-, Om-cl. M,w, 13. p. 452.
liniimvmits. Swt. llilt. F'l. (iiircl., t. 400. ; imcl our»»OSpec.
Char., cj-c. Leaves wedge-shaped,
oblong, iiiniiatifid, [ilaited. (J). Don.)
A rigid, evergreen, dcciiiiiheiit, tiiticli-
hraiiclied shrub. Mexico, lle ig lit I ft. _
to 2 ft. Introduced ill I8.'I5. F low e rs '
dark r e d ; .liiiic and July. Naked
young wood dark brown.
Branches copiously clothed with
stalked glands. Petioles o f the leaves
very sliort, slightly clianiicled above,
slicatliiiig at the base. Stiiiiiles adherent.
Flowers, when protruding from the bud
cxiu’tly like tliosc of 7i().sa. Tliis promising
evergreen slimb, being extremely
ilillictdt to propagate, has been lost, for the [ircsent, to British gardens.
Sect. IV. 7 î o ' s e æ , Dec.
G e n u s X I I .
fiO'SA. Tourn. Tiiii Rosi! Ticiîe. Lin. Syst. Icosândria Polygon
Iilmlilicalion. Tourn. 1. p. I!3(;, t. 409, ; T.In. Ocni., 0.31. ; I,nm. III-.J; «O -1 l'I''.'"- H««- Mon., Rvo, 1820 ; Fronvlllc’fl Nomc-n. llni.-t., IH19. McmciK. lloH,, 1924 ; Don’« Mill., 2. p. 504.
Hl/noni/ines. Ithocllipliora Nrc/i. I'.Uvi. i ItoKlor, Fr. -, Koaiinstoclc, Gcr. ; Iloozciboom, lUdch ; llORiOn,//nl. i llosnl, .S'wcm. ; nncl Kosoirn, 7V,rCniiwc-.ct;. . . . . .
d e r i v a t i o n . From rhos, rod. Ucltk, ; in rolnronoci to tho oolour of tho llownrB of m oB t of tho spoclcs.
Ceil. Char. Calyx witli the tube contracted a t the iiioutli, and with tlie segments
usually pinnately divided. Pr/als 3. Slantcns ntiiiieroiis. Carpck
miiiicrotis, bony, inserted on the inside of tbe tube of the calyx, which at
length beeoiiies baccate and eneloscs them. 'I'liey arc dry and indehiscent,
bearing each a style on the inner side. {Don's Mill.)
Lcavcs compound, alternate, stipulate, deciduous or evergreen ; impari-
pinnate. Slipulcs attached to the petiole. Prickks simple. Flowers large,
showy; red, white, or yellow ; fragrant.
Shrtibs, for the most part deciduous ; natives o f F.iiroiie, and of the tem-