Perthshire ; Nigg, Portlethen, and Cove, Kincardineshire ; Morrone,
Braemar, Aberdeenshire ; Glen Nevis, Invernessshire ; Kylemore,
Connemara, Galway.
Form ohscurior Cromb. in Leight. Lich. FI. ed. 3, p. 291
(1879).— Thallus rimose-areolate, thinnish, brownish-black;
hypothallns predominating. Apothecia sessile, somewhat small;
otherwise as in th e type.
The numerous and crowded hypothalline lines everywhere intersecting
the thallus give it a concolorous aspect.
Hah. On quartzose rocks in mountainous regions.—Distr. Found
only very sparmgly in N. Wales and on the N. Grampians, Scotland.
—B. M. Llyn Dinas near Beddgelert, Carnarvonshire; Morrone,
Braeniar, Aberdeenshire.
152. L. Kochiana Hepp Lich. FI. Würz. p. 61 (1824); Nyl.
Lich. Scand. p. 223.—Thallus determinate, smooth, rimóse- or
areolate-diffract, mouse-coloured or pale-greyish-brown ; the areolæ
plane or somewhat convex (K —, CaCl — ) ; hypotballus black,
limiting the thallus. Apothecia moderate or somewhat large,
innate, plane, immarginate, often flexuose- or angulose-difform,
black, dark within ; paraphyses discrete ; hypothecium thin,
colourless; spores shortly ellipsoid or subglobose, 0,008-11 mm.
long, 0,006-8 mm. thick ; hymenial gelatine bluish, the apices
of the asci a t length wine-red, with iodine.-—Cromb. Lich. Brit,
p. 79 ; Leight. Lich. FI. p. 281 ; ed. 3, p. 285. L. rivulosa var.
ß Kochiana Mudd Man. p. 199. Biatora rivulosa var. Kochiana
Fr. Lich. Eur. p. 271 (1831).
Differs from the preceding mainly in the absence of intersecting
hypothalline lines, in the darker, inner immarginate apothecia, and
th e more globose spores. I t is a rather variable plant, according to
the habitat, but presents only the following well-marked variety. The
apothecia, which are even with the thallus, are in a very young state
thinly margined, but the margin is speedily evanescent.
Hah. On rocks and boulders in mountainous regions.—Distr. Only
here and there in Great Britain ; not seen from Ireland or the Channel
Islands.—B. M. Trellick, Monmouthshire ; Cader Idris, Merioneth ;
Pen-y-gwryd, Snowdon, Carnarvonshire ; Craig Rossie, The Ochils,
and Ben-y-Gloe, Perthshire ; Upper Glen Dee and Morrone, Braemar,
Aberdeenshire ; Hills of Appleoross, Eossshire.
Var. lygæa Leight. Lich. El. p. 282 (1871).—Thallus dark,
umber-brownish-coloured, effuse, continuous, smooth, slightly
cracked-areolate. Apothecia smaller th an in the type.—Leight.
Lich. El. ed. 3, p. 286. Lecidea lygæa Ach. Syn. p. 34 (1814)
excl. var.
Distinguished by the thinner and smoother thallus and by the
minute apothecia. Occasionally the thallus is intersected and limited
by the dark hypotballus and the apothecia are rather larger.
Hab. On rooks in maritime and mountainous regions.—Distr.
Somewhat rare in the Channel Islands, Wales, the Grampians of
' s
! .?■>
.Scotland and W. Ireland ; not recorded from England.—B. M.
Boulay Bay, Jersey; Sark; Dolgelly; Barmouth and Cader Idris,
Merioneth ; Crianlarioh, Perthshire ; Doughruagh Mt. and Letter-
fraok, Galway.
153. L. mollis Nyl. Lich. Scand. p. 223 (1861).—Thallus
determinate, minutely cracked-areolate, slightly furfuraceous
on the surface, greyish or pale-brownish-grey (K —, CaCl — ) ;
hypotballus blackish, limiting the thallus. Apothecia rather
small, superficial, with thickish entire margin, black or brownish-
black, whitish within ; paraphyses discrete, blackish-gi’een a t the
apices ; hypothecium colourless ; spores shortly ellipsoid or
subglobose, 0,007-S mm. long, 0,005-6 mm. thick ; hymenial
gelatine pale-bluish, the asci a t length wine-coloured, with iodiue.
—Leight. Lich. El. p. 277 pro minima parte ; ed. 3, p. 280 pro
parte. L. rivulosa var. mollis Wahlenb. El. Lapp. p. 472 (1812).
Hab. On quartzose rooks.—B. M. Morrone, Braemar, Aberdeenshire.
154. L. pammicta Stirton in Grevillea iii. p. 34 (1874).—
Thallus whitish or greyish, thick, cracked-areolate, the areolæ
minutely papillose (K + yellow then orange-red). Apothecia
black, sessile, plane or somewhat convex, with an undulate sometimes
paler margin, the disc almost constantly gyrose-plicate;
hypothecium colourless ; paraphyses stout, coherent, with blackish
clavate apices ; spores ellipsoid, 0,008-10 mm. long, 0,005-6 mm.
thick.—Leight. Lich. FI. ed. 3, p. 283. Specimen not seen.
Hab. On rocks.
Collected by Dr. Stirton on Ben Arthur (The Cobbler), Argyll, and
considered by him to be allied to L. mollis or L. tessellata, but
distinguished by the chemical reaction of the thallus and other
155. L. interludens Nyl. in Flora liii. p. 35 (1870).—Thallus
determinate, thin, cracked-areolate, whitish or greyish-white
(K + tawny-yellow, CaCl — ) ; the areolæ plane, minutely rugulose ;
hypotballus blackish. Apothecia superficial, somewhat convex,
black, immarginate, or often plane with a very th in white
epithalline margin, colourless within ; paraphyses clavate and
brownish a t the apices; spores ellipsoid, 0,010-12 mm. long,
0,006-8 mm. thick ; hymenial gelatine bluish, the asci wine- or
violet-reddish, with iodine.—Cromb. in Journ. Linn. Soc. xi.
p. 485 (1871) ; Leight. Lich. FL p. 287 ; ed. 3, p. 292.
Near L. mollis, but distinguished by the firmer thallus, its positive
reaction with K, and especially by the form of the larger spores. The
thallus is distinctly limited, and also here and there intersected by
the hypotballus. The two specimens gathered are well fertile. The
not uncommon spermogones have the spermatia somewhat short.
Hab. On a quartzose boulder in a subalpme locality.—B. M.
Morrone, Braemar, Aberdeenshire (the only locality).