bluish-grey-pruinose, the margin prominent, thinnish, naked,
entire ; hypotheoium thick, brownish-black ; paraphyses slender,
coherent, dark a t the apices ; epithecium granulose : spores
oblong or ellipsoid, 0,020-28 mm. long, 0,007-10 mm. th ick ;
hymenial gelatine deep-blue, asci wine-reddish, with iodine.—
od I- P- 467 pro p a rte ; Hook. FI. Scot. ii.
f P- ^ 4.eight. Lich. FI. p. 295 pro p a rte ;
P- 303. L . contigua var. albocoerulescens Nyl. Lich. Scand.
p. 224 ; Cromb. Lich. Brit. p. 80. Lichen albocoerulescens Wulfen
in Jacq. Coll. ii. p. 184, t. 15, f. 1 (1788).
The apothecia are numerous and a t times more or less confluent,
with the margin subflexuose. In old plants the bloom almost
-Sah. On rooks and stones of walls in maritime and upland districts.
Vistr. been from only a few localities in Great Britain and in N.W
Ireland.--A. M. Withiel, Cornwall ; Dartmouth, Devon ; Leith HilL
burrey; Stormy Down, Glamorganshire; Llandyssil, Cardiganshire;
Langbaurghrigg, Cleveland, Yorkshire; Stavely Head, Westmore-
fand ; Achosragan Hill, Appin, Argyll ; near Achmore, Killin, Perth-
sfiu-e ; blegachan. Isle of Skye ; near Tully, Galway.
Var. ¡3 alpina Schær. Spicil. ii. (1828), p. 143.—Thallus
thickish. Apothecia somewhat large, prominent, plane or
convex, the margin more or less flexuose.—Mudd Man p 211 ■
Leight. Lich. FI. ed. 3, p. 303.
Characterized by the thicker thallus and the margin of the larger
iT sf dfstincr occasionally 2-3 aggregate, when the margin is
Hab. Cn damp rocks, granitic and schistose, in maritime and
mountmnous districts -DfrZr. Seen from only a few localities in
Gieat Bntain, Ireland and the Channel Islands.—A. M. Island of
bark; St. Mervyn, Cornwall; Aberedw, Eadnorshire ; Cader Idris,
Merioneth; Langbau^hrigg, Cleveland, Yorkshire; Achosragan Hill
Appm, Argyll, Glen Dee, Braemar, Aberdeenshire ; Moher, Clare.
117. L. crustulata Koerb. Syst. Lich. p. 249 (1855).—Thallus
efluse, very thin, leprose-tartareous, subrimulose or slightly verru-
culose, greyish-white or brownish (K - , C a C l - ) ; hypotballus
black, scarcely visible. Apothecia small, sessile, plane, black,
marpned, the margin en tire ; paraphyses concrete, brownish or
blackish a t the apices; hypothecium thick, blackish; spores
oblong, 0,014-18 mm. long, 0,006-8 mm th ick ; hymmial
gelatine Huish then sordid, asci wine-red, with iodine.—Mudd
Man. p. 209 (excl. var. ¡3) ; Leight. Lich. FI. p. 257 ; ed. 3, p. 249.
L . parasema var. 6 crustulata Ach. Lich. Univ. (1810) p 176
L . contigua var. crustulata Cromb. Lich. Brit. p. 80.
Exsicc. Mudd n. 177 ; Leight. n. 333.
bv some forms of L contigua, but is well differentiated
by the thm leprose thallus and the smaller apothecia and spores.
Two forms are distinguished : var. fuscella Mudd (Man. p. 209 (1861))
with a thin brown thallus looking like a dark stain on the sandstone,
and f. geograpliica Cromb. MS. which is limited and intersected by
the black hypotballus.
Hah. Cn arenaceous rooks and flints, very rarely lignicolous, in
maritime and upland situations.—Distr. Cnly a few localities in
England and Ire lan d ; not seen from Scotland.—A. M. Lydd Beach,
Kent (f. geograpliica)-, Shiere, Surrey; Launceston, Cornwall; The
Downs, Lewes, near Hastings, Patcham, and Newhaven, Sussex;
Lyndhurst Moor, Han ts; Caksey, Wiltshire; Hale’s End, Malvern,
Worcestershire; Larch Bank, near Ayton, Cleveland, Yorkshire;
Ballinhassig, near Cork; Kylemore, Galway.
Var. meiospora Olivier Exp. Syst. ii. p. 113 (1901).—Thallus
whitish-grey, areolate or scattered, thicker th an in the type. Apothecia
often arranged in lines, black, plane, marginate, larger
than in the ty p e ; spores oblong-elliptical, 0,012-16 mm. long,
0,006-7 mm. thick.—L. contigua var. meiospora Nyl. Lich. Scand.
p. 125 (1861); Leight. Lich. El. ed. 3, p. 302.
Exsicc. Larb. Lich. Hb. n. 310.
_ Hab. Cn arenaceous and calcareous rocks in upland situations.—
Distr. Cnly a few localities in central England, Scotland, and Ireland.
—A. M. Bradgate Park, Leicestershire; Wellingdale Doe, Suffolk;
Crianlarioh, Perthshire; Doughruagh Mt., Connemara, Galway.
118. L. sympathetica Tayl. ex Leight. Lich. El. p. 257 (1871).—
Thallus pale-brown or creamy-white, subdeterminate, tartareous,
plane, rimose-areolate, furfuraceous. Apothecia black, numerous
small, subinnate rugose, th e margin indistinct, rugose ; hypo
thecium thick, black or brownish-black ; paraphyses in d istin c t,
the epithecium brown; spores ellipsoid, 0,011 mm. long, 0,006
mm. thick.—Leight. op. cit. ed. 3, p. 249.
Leighton gives the thalline reactions as K -f yellow, CaCl + yellow,
but when the test was applied to the type at Kew, there was no
colour produced. I t differs from L. crustulata in the more developed
tartareous thallus, in the apothecia which are innate at first, and in
the smaller spores.
Hab. Cn sandstone.—Distr. Found in England, Wales, and
119. L. prominula Borr. in Engl. Bot. Suppl. 2687, fig. la
(1831).—Thallus pale-tawny-brown, thin, minutely granular
(K + yellow, CaCl + yellow). Apothecia black, small, numerous,
crowded, sessile plane, with an obtuse entire margin ; hypothecium
colourless or yellowi&h-brown, the lateral excipulum blackish-
brown; paraphyses ra th e r lax, pale, dark-brown a t the apices;
spores elliptic-oblong, 0,011-15 mm. long, 0,006-9 mm. th ic k ;
hymenial gelatine blue then dirty-violet with iodine.—Hook, in
Sm. Engl. El. v. p. 175; Mudd Man. p. 203 (spore measurements
too small); Leight. Lich. FI. p. 259, ed. 3, p. 255.