yE R R U C A llIA C E zE .—Thallus variously crustaceous, not
rorticated. Algal cells (gonidia) Pleurococcus or Palmella.
Perithecia simple with an apical ostiole.
PY REN ULAC EHi.— Thallus variously crustaceous, not
corticateA Algal cells (gonidia) Trentepoldia. Perithecia
simple with an apical ostiole.
THELOCARPACEHi.—Horizontal thallus wanting. Algal
cells (gonidia) Pleurococcus. Perithecia simple, surrounded by a
gonidial sheath.
TRYPETHELEACEH3.— Thallus crustaceous or almost
obsolete,_ not_ corticated. Algal cells (gonidia) Trentepohlia.
Perithecia united in a common stroma.
MYCOPORACEiE.—Thallus crustaceous or almost obsolete,
not corticated. Algal cells (gonidia) Palmella or Trentepohlia.
Perithecia united under a common peridium with imperfectly
developed peritheciai walls.
Thallus squamulose, minutely shrubby or crustaceous. Alwal
cells (gonimia) Cyanophyceæ. Perithecia simple, innate or super-
hcial; spores 4-8 in the ascus, simple or septate, colourless or
m I t *^®Kdes the genus Pyrenidium already described
(Part I. p. 81), and three other genera :—
f a i l l i s squaiimlose ; perithecia wanting 98. Coriseium.
(lh allu s shrubby ; perithecia scattered 19. P y re n id ium .)
Thalms crustaceous ; perithecia congregate in a
pseudostroma.... ..................................... 9 9 . L o p h o th e lium .
lh a llu s wanting ; perithecia parasitic ................. 100. Obryzum.
98. CORISCIUM Wainio Lich. Brésil ii. p. 188 (1890).
(PI. 35.)
Thallus squamulose, upper surface corticated, lower surface
loose straggling hyphæ. Algal cells Microcystis {Polycoccus
Kiltz.) occurring in compact, closely crowded groups, which are
surrounded and penetrated by the fungal hyphæ. Perithecia
and spermogones unknown.
Distinguished by the nature of the algal cells (gonimia).
6!. viride A. Zahlbr. in Engler & P ra n tl Pflanzenf. i. 1*,
P' ^ .(*903). Thallus bright bluish-green, squamulose or lobed
and sinuate, somewhat imbricate, closely adhering to the substratum,
bu t rather concave with the margins raised, under
surface white, without rhizinæ.—Endocarpon viride Ach. Lich.
Univ. p. 300 (1810). E. laetevirens Turn, ex Hook, in Sm. Engl.
El. V . p. 158 (1833) ; Tayl. in Mackay El. Hib. ii. p. 101 ;
Leight. Angioc. Lich. p. 12. Verrucaria laetevirens Borr. in
Engl. Bot. Suppl. t. 2658 (1830). Normandina viridis Nyl. in
Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. sér. 3, i. p. 420 (1856) ; Mudd Man.
p. 269. N. laetevirens Nyl. Lich. Scand. p. 264 (1861) ; Cromb.
Lich. Brit. p. 107 ; Leight. Lich, Fl. p. 408 ; ed. 3, p. 440.
Exsicc. Leight. n. 25 ; Mudd n. 258.
Hah. On turfy soil, on mosses in bogs, etc.—P>istr. Somewhat
frequent in the Channel Islands and throughout England and Wales,
among the Grampians, Scotland and in Ireland.—B. M. Guernsey;
Helmen Tor, Cornwall ; Ardingly Rocks, Tunbridge Wells and Mares-
field, Sussex ; Esher, Surrey ; Hungershall Rooks, Kent ; Oswestry,
Shropshire ; Barmouth, Arran Penthyn and Cwm Byohan, Merioneth ;
Aber, Carnedd Dafydd, and Sychnant near Conway, Carnarvonshire ;
Black Edge near Buxton, Derbyshire ; Broughton Bank and Ingleby
Moor, Cleveland, Yorkshire ; Teesdale, Durham ; Ben Ledi and Ben
Lawers, Perthshire ; Doneraile Mt., Cork ; Mangerton, Kerry ; Connemara,
99. LOPHOTHELIUM Stirton in Scott. Nat. ix. p. 37 (1887).
Thallus crustaceous. Algal cells Cyanophyceæ (Nostocl).
Perithecia immersed in prominent tubercles ; paraphyses distinct,
soft ; spores 8 in the ascus, septate, brown.
Included in this Natural Order on account of the blue-green
gonimia, but possibly with quite other affinities. In the absence of
specimens it is impossible to do more than suggest the classification.
Stirton himself considers th a t the tubercles indicate some connection
with Trypetheliaceæ, or might be in the nature of parasites on other
lichens. Stirton states th a t they are colourless internally, no gonidia
or gonimia being found in them.
1. L. acervatum Stirton tom. cit. p. 39.—Thallus crustaceous,
thickish, dark-hrown, minutely wrinkled, sprinkled with whitish
cephalodia resembling the phyllocladia of Stereocaulon, and containing
greenish-yellow algal cells. Fertile tubercles numerous,
pale-coloured, up to 1 mm. across ; perithecia 8-50 in each
tubercle ; peritheciai wall thin, brownish-black ; paraphyses
rather sparse and long ; spores often uniseriate in the ascus,
obovate, colourless, then dark-brown or nearly black, 1-septate,
one cell small and triangular, 0,016-25 mm. long, 0,008-12 mm.
thick ; hymenial gelatine yellowish-brown with iodine. Specimen
not seen.
Hab. On turfy ground.—Disir. Ben Lawers, Perthshire.
100. OBRYZUM Wallr. Naturg. Plecht. p. 253 (1825)
emend. ; Nyl. in Flora Iii. p. 353 (1872). (PI. 36.)
Thallus none. Perithecia minute, globose, parasitic, immersed
in the tissue of the host-plant or almost superficial,