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166 FLORA ANTARCTICA. [A u c ìd a n d a n d
Fo/íCæspites parvi, pallide olivaceo-virides. Caules sub F une. longi, ramis divaricatis. « remota, suberecta.
anguste obovata, lobo inferiore extus ad inflexionem dente obtuso aucto.
The minute size, more erect, naiTOW and more distant leaves, will readily distinguish this species from small
states of J. serpyllifolia, even in the absence of fructification.
75. JuNGEEMANNLi alho-viTens, Hook. fil. et Tayl. ; minima, caulibus implexis prostratis ramosis, foliis
laxis patentibus valde concavis oblongis apice rotundatis integerrimis, lobulis involutis ovatis tumidis, stipu-
Hs exiguis oblongis bifidis segmentis obtusis acutisve, calyce ni ramo brevi proprio terminali obovato-elongato
basi angustato apice quadiiplicato tubuloso. (Tab. LX V I. Fig. IV.)
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group ; on rocks at th e summits of th e mountains, mixed with other «
Laxe cellulosa. Caules per plantas ahas dispersi, non cæspitosi, pallide flavo-olivacei, 2-3 liu. longi, siccitate
fragiles, in-egulariter ramosi, ramis remotis. Folia hasi semiamplexicaulia et subsaccata, supenie oblonga et rotundata,
apicibus plenunque recurvis, cellulis majuscuhs aquosis. Stipulæ cauli arcte appressæ, inconsjncuæ, oblongæ,
caule vix latiores. FericJiætii foliola tria, laterabbus erectis concavis obtusis lobulo acuto intus auctis, tertio v stipulali
oblongo bifido stipuhs omnino coufoimi sed majore. Calyx apice tubulosus, demum in lacinias quatuor dehiscens.
Capsula spherica, pallide brunnea, valvis basi coadunatis. Semina majuscula, pauca, angulata; fihs spira-
hbus paucis, diametro \ semiuum.
Very nearly alhed to th e /.«/¿ri«®, Tayl. {J.minutissima, Brit. Jung.), preferring also wet mosses on which to gi'ow.
The British plant may be distinguished by its smaller size, the larger cells of the leaves, which ai-e uot so concave
and subacute, whilst theh* lobulus has a sharp process or tooth at the point of involution, also by the more divided
stipules, whose segments are acuter, and by the recurved perichætial leaves.
P late LXVI. Fig. TV.— a specimen of the natural size ; 3, portion of branch ; 3, leaf, and 4, stipule : magnified.
76. J ungermannia latitane, Hook. fil. e tT a y l.; minima, caule tenuissimo prostrato ramoso, foliis
remotiusculis suberectis celluloso-creuulatis ovatis acutis apicibus sæpe incurvis, lobulis ovatis involutis, stipulis
inconspicuis bifidis segmentis lanceolatis obtusis, foliis perichætialibus late obovato-cuneatis acuminatis.
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group ; mixed with other Hepaticæ.
CeUulosa, minima. Cæspites laxi, dispersi, planiuscuh, pallide virescentes. Folia remotiuscula, longitudine
varia, acuta v. acuminata, cellulis præcipue versus margines majusculis tumidis et prominentibus, hinc folia subcrenata,
lobulo F latitudine folii. Stipulæ valde inconspicuæ, caule vix latiores. PericJiætii foliola ramis anni præcedentis
terminaba, erecta, obovata, acuminata, lateralia incurva, tertio oblongo concavo bifido.
Closely resembling the / . haniatifolia, Hook. ; but the leaves are much broader. From J. echinata, Tayl., it
may be known by the presence of stipules ; from J. alho-virens, by its smaller size, more cellular texture, and acute
77. J ungermannia Hook. fil. et Tayl.; caulibus implexis procumbentibus vage ramosis,
foliis læxis erecto-patentibus valde concavis rotundato-quadratis subtruncatis integerrimis, lobo inferiore incurvo
apice angulato superiori subæquali basi tumido appresso, stipulis exiguis emarginato-bifidis segmentis
linearibus subincurvis.
H ab. Lord Auckland’s group ; on Parmelia intestiniformis, Ach.
Cæspites minuti, laxi, pallidi. Caules vix F une. longi. Folia remota.
The shoots of this species appear like rows of the minutest beads, so small is the whole plant, and the stem
is all but Imperceptible, even with a tolerable lens. The position of the lobe on the lower part of the leaf resem-
bles that of a Radula.
(1 9 . Symphiogyna, Nees.)
78. J ungermannia Phyllantlms, Hook., Muse. Exot. t. 9 5 .
H a b . Lord Auckland’s g ro u p ; in th e shaded woods, abundant b u t barren.
79. JU N G E EM A K N IA / a S Æ i a , Lab., M . Nov. ifoff.vol.il. p .l0 9 . t.2 5 4 . f. 1. Hook. Muse. Exot. 1. 13.
H a b . Lord Auckland’s gro u p ; with th e former, b u t also barren.
(20. Ax e e e a , Nees.)
80. JuNGEEiLSJrsiA m ultifila, L. Hook. B r it. .Jungerm. t. 45.
Vai'. f t incisa-, frondihns atro-viridibus carnosis inciso-ramosis, lobis pinnatis apice bilobis sub decurvis.
J . incisa, nobis, in Kook. Bond. .Journ. o f Bot. vol. iv. p. 93.
Var.? y, minima ; cæspitosa, frondibus vix L bn. latis.
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group and CampbeU’s Is lan d ; vai'. f t in th e former locabty only; var. y. Lord
Auckland’s group. (Br. Lyall.)
Of this widely diffused and highly variable plant wc have noticed what appear to be the most stnldng varieties ;
aU of them are destitute of any trace of fructification, and some may be improperly included under tbis species, or
even genus ; there are, however, no grounds for removing them irrmiAneura, and being anxious to draw attention m
this work to aU that is knoini of the Flora of the South, we prefer araaiiging such dubious plants with their nearest
appai-eiit aUies, to passing them by um-ecorded.
(21. M etzgeeia, N ee s)
81. JuxGEEMANNiA/iircflft?, L. Hook. B r it. .Jung. t. 55. and 56.
Var. y, reruginosa, B r it. .Jungerm. I.e.
H a b . Lord Auckland’s group and CampbeU’s Island ; very abundant at the roots of fems and other
plants ; var. y, on tbe b a ik of trees.
This plant is as vai'iable in size in this part of the world as in others.
(22. Zoopsis, Hook.fil. et T a y l)
Perichætium e squamis paucis lanceolatis. Calyx e frondis nervo ortiis, pediceUatus, obovato-oblongus. in
lacinias phu-imas hssiis.—Frondes liMares, parce ramosæ, e cellulis hexagonispro magniiuditu!pUntoe majusculis tumidis
formata;, nervo eentrali valido, marginihus crenatis interdum smuato-repaniis. Calyx maximus.— Slwis. anomala a
Diplolæua, Nees, differt calyce simpbci, hinc, scibcet extrorsmn, squamis pericboetiabbus pi-oedito.
82. JUNGEEMAXNIA argentea. Hook. fil. et Tayl.; Hook. Lond. Journ. o f Botany, vol. bi. p. 400. sub
Metzgeria. (T a b . LX V I. Fig. VI.)